This project was generated by the ricaun.AppLoader Revit plugin.
This project use an alternative version of the Wpf.Ui version 3.0.4
design with the feature ApplicationThemeManager.Apply(this);
to apply the theme in the main Window
The package Revit.Wpf.Ui is a fork of the original package with some changes to work with Revit 2025.
The main change is the PR Update UiApplication.cs to fix Revit 2025 incompatibility, the package id changed to REVIT-WPF-UI
and the assembly is Revit.Wpf.Ui.3.0.4
to avoid conflicts with the original package.
The folder References contains the REVIT-WPF-UI.3.0.4.nupkg
package with the nuget.config
file to use the local package.
Apply the theme in the main Window
or Page
using the ApplicationThemeManager.Apply(this);
public partial class MainWindow
public MainWindow()
Use ui:FluentWindow
to enable the Fluent Design in the Window
<ui:TitleBar Title="WPF UI"/>
<ui:Card Margin="8">
<ui:Button Content="Hello World" Icon="{ui:SymbolIcon Fluent24}" />
Using Page
to apply the background and foreground.
Background="{DynamicResource ApplicationBackgroundBrush}"
Foreground="{DynamicResource TextFillColorPrimaryBrush}"
Video in English about this project.
- Download and install RevitAddin.WpfUi.Sample.exe
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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