- User will have access to 2 VM's with 1G of RAM, 1 cpu and 5G of disk
- The chosen OS will be preinstalled on the VM's
- User will have root access to the Vm's either directly or as the result of sudo
- User will have access to a valid domain or subdomain that can be managed by the IdM server
- User will have access to the repos required to install software
- User on the host machine will need to be either root or a local user on the VM's with sudoers setup for ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
- Red Hat -- The base OS should be RHEL 7 -- User will need access to subscribe the systems to RHN or a Satellite
common role -- supported_os: (is this deteremined from facts or does it need to be set?) -- pool: (if you know it) -- rhn_user: (provide your credentials) -- rhn_pass: (provide your credentials) -- dns_server: (not sure this is a good idea) -- dns_search: example.local (this won't work very well) -- rhel_7_base_channels: (predefined) -- rhel_6_base_channels: (predefined) -- rhel_5_base_channels: (do we care?)
ipa-lab role -- ipa_host: idm.example.local (should be locally resolvable) -- ipa_admin: admin (admin user, don't change this)
ipa-server role -- ipa_directory_manager_password: Secret123 (will be set during install) -- ipa_admin_password: Secret123 (will be set during install) -- ipa_admin_passwd: Secret123 (will be set during install) -- ipa_realm: EXAMPLE.LOCAL (must be all caps) -- ipa_domain: example.local (should match above) -- hostname: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}" (will be determined from facts) -- ipa_ipaddress: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" (ditto) -- ipa_dns_forwarder: (pound on google) -- ipa_reverse_zone: 1.168.192.in.addr.arpa (needs to match your local subnet)
ipa-client role -- ipaclient_supported_os: -- ipaclient_server: idm.example.local (needs to be resolvable) -- ipaclient_domain: idm.example.local (needs to be resolvable) -- ipaclient_enroll_user: admin -- ipaclient_enroll_pass: Secret123 -- ipaclient_hostname: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}" -- ipaclient_force_join: false -- ipaclient_enable_ntp: true -- ipaclient_all_ip_addresses: true -- ipaclient_enable_dns_updates: true