Serve .md pages as Django views.
This package aims to make it easy to serve .md files on Django sites.
- This package needs tests, and to have Travis and Coveralls properly configured.
Install with
pip install django-markdown-view
settings.INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'markdown_view', ... ]
to settings The dictionary of the application's base. See Settings below
For example, if settings are in config/settings/, then:
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
Use one of MarkdownView
, LoggedInMarkdownView
, or StaffMarkdownView
from markdown_view.views
to serve a .md file
from markdown_view.views import StaffMarkdownView
All settings are optional. See markdown_view/ for the defaults.
When present, the value is taken as a location to append to the list of dirs that Django's django.template.utils.get_app_template_dirs will return when passed dirname="". This is used to locate .md files in the root of the project, e.g., a file. Looks for BASE_DIR if MARKDOWN_VIEW_BASE_DIR is not found.
A list of loaders that locate .md files. The default list includes only markdown_view.loaders.MarkdownLoader which will by default try to load .md files from root directories in INSTALLED_APPS packages much the same as Django's django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader looks to load from "templates".
The name of the directories in INSTALLED_APPS packages in which to locate .md files. Defaults to "" in order to locate .md filed in the root directories.
The extensions to enable. These extensions are enabled be default:
- toc:
- generates a Table of Contents. If toc is removed from extensions, then MARKDOWN_VIEW_TEMPLATE_USE_TOC must be set to False.
- tables:
- enables tables.
- fenced_code:
- enables code blocks. If fenced_code is removed from extensions, then MARKDOWN_VIEW_TEMPLATE_USE_HIGHLIGHT_JS, which provides the highlighting for code blocks, can be disabled.
- markdown_view.markdown_extensions.ImageExtension:
- makes images responsive in bootstrap4.
See and for more extensions.
You can create your own extensions by following
The Django template that'll be used to render the HTML that is generated from the Markdown. Set your own template to style your pages. Context includes:
- markdown_content:
- The HTML produced from the Markdown.
- use_highlight_js:
- If highlight.js is enabled.
- use_toc:
- If the table of contents should be rendered.
- markdown_toc:
- A table of contents from the headers of the Markdown. Not set when use_toc is False.
- page_title:
- A guess at a page title, for now it's the first row of the TOC. Not set when use_toc is False.
Whether to render the TOC. If false, in the template context, use_toc is False and markdown_toc and page_title are not present.
Whether to load and activate the highlight.js library in the template.
If the request context should be used as a base when creating the context with which to render the Markdown internally. This is because the Markdown is rendered once first in order to prepend it with {% load static %}. This is not well tested; YMMV.
Any extra context to send to the internal render of the Markdown. Can be used to expose context to template tags embedded in the Markdown. This is not well tested; YMMV.
At a high level, MarkdownView will:
- Use a template loader to locate .md given as file_name
- Render as a template, the contents of the .md file prepended with {% load static %}, into several context variables
- Serve the MARKDOWN_VIEW_TEMPLATE with the context variables
All contributions are very welcomed. Propositions, problems, bugs, and enhancement are tracked with GitHub issues and patches are submitted via pull requests.
We use Travis coupled with Coveralls as continious integration tools.
We aspire to support the currently supported versions of Django.
The Tested With section describes aspirational goals.
Tested with:
- Python: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
- Django: 2.2, 3.2, 4.0