by Monsenhor
It's a book about the Perl language in 4 volumes.
- The Perl Language
- The Perl Engineer
- Perl Workbook
- Problems Solving with Perl
First read the documents:
Run the mojolicious app:
Use mdp to present slides:
sudo apt install mdp
mdp ./slides/
mdp ./slides/
Use ascinema to play the terminal presentations:
asciinema play media/241951.cast
- Create Chapter's file.
- Create the topics to be covered, by skills.
- Write each topic.
- Add the problem Lesson.
- Check all and publish.
- Create the Lesson's folder.
- Create file with Lesson's specs.
- Skills
- Topics
- Material
- Media
- Code
- Text
- Exercise
- Create the problem's folder under "code" folder.
- Create README file with problem specs.
- Create Test file with sample inputs and results.
- Create Module/Pod file(s) with solution/documentation.
- Create Lesson file with notes, concepts, links, hints, best practices, etc.
- Create Polices (.perlcriticrc) file with related rules.
- Create cpanfile with dependencies