Hi, I'm Rex Roof. I started using screen in the 1990s and switched to tmux in 2015. This is talk is about why you should have a virtual terminal.
A window manager for your terminal. A way to manage multiple login/shell sessions in one terminal. Gives you a way to manipulate your terminals and detach and reattach from terminal sessions.
originally released in 1987, it is the OG.
first released 20 years after screen in 2007.
- windows
- panes
- detaching
- copy & paste
- multi-window examples
- my muxer autostart script
these demos are meant to show off how scriptable tmux is.
this script sets up a detached tmux session with a while loop running in it.
these scripts set up an example environment for running kubernetes commands against a cluster
script for connecting to multiple hosts and running commands on them
- https://gist.github.com/andreyvit/2921703 : tmux cheatsheet/quickstart
- https://hackernoon.com/a-gentle-introduction-to-tmux-8d784c404340 : tmux, a gentle introduction
- http://hyperpolyglot.org/multiplexers : tmux/screen CLI comparison
- https://github.com/gpakosz/.tmux : opinionated tmux config