This project is heavily in progress
Got a pager, a Raspberry PI and one of the supported incident software providers? Perfect.
This project will allow alerts to be sent to a paging device of your choice
WARNING: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure to check laws in your state/country before using this library. Transmitting/interferring with frequencies could land you with hefty fines or even behind bars.
All testing of this project has been done in accordance with the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. Code used for testing may differ from the public code on this repository.
Once again, I will not take responsibility for any backlash from using this project. Do your research
Full instalation instructions coming soon
- IMPORTANT: The POCSAG binary included in this project is from and every single bit of credit for this goes to them. I tried cloning and building but in the end, this was easier (For now)