rop3 is a tool developed in Python and it relies on the Capstone disassembly framework to search for gadgets, operations, and ROP chains using a backtracking algorithm in a tree-like structure:
We recommend to install rop3's dependencies with pip in a virtual environment to not to mess up with your current configuration:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv
Create and activate your virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv .
$ source bin/activate
(venv) $ git clone
(venv) $ cd rop3
Now, you can install dependencies in requirements.txt:
(venv) rop3 $ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [-v] [--depth <bytes>] [--all] [--nojop] [--noretf] [--nosides] [--silent]
[--binary <file> [<file> ...]] [--badchar <hex> [<hex> ...]] [--base <hex> [<hex> ...]]
[--op <op>] [--dst <reg>] [--src <reg>] [--ropchain <file>]
This tool allows you to search for gadgets, operations, and ROP chains using a backtracking algorithm
in a tree-like structure
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version display's version and exit
--depth <bytes> depth for search engine (default to 5 bytes)
--all show the same gadget in different addresses
--nojop do not search for JOP gadgets
--noretf do not search for gadgets terminated in a far return (retf)
--nosides eliminate gadgets with side-effects
--silent eliminate side-effects warnings
--binary <file> [<file> ...]
specify a list of binary path files to analyze
--badchar <hex> [<hex> ...]
specify a list of chars to avoid in gadget address
--base <hex> [<hex> ...]
specify a base address to relocate binary files (it may take a while). When you
specify more than one base address, you need to provide one address for each
--op <op> search for operation. Available: add, and, eqc, gcf, jmp, lc, ld, lsd, ltc,
mov, neg, not, or, spa, sps, st, sub, xor
--dst <reg> specify a destination register for the operation
--src <reg> specify a source register for the operation
--ropchain <file> plain text file with a ROP chain
In the work that we presented in 15th IEEE Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT21), we used rop3 to evaluate the executional power of Return Oriented Programming in a subset of most common Windows DLLs. Check the paper for further details.
$ python3 --nojop --noretf --binary ~/dlls/win10x86/SHELL32.dll --op mov --dst eax --src ecx
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x69b8a61b]: mov eax, ecx ; leave ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x698dc8c8]: mov eax, ecx ; pop ebx ; leave ; ret (x5) (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x6991a2b1]: mov eax, ecx ; pop ebx ; ret (x4) (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x6995e30b]: mov eax, ecx ; pop edi ; ret (x2) (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x69c3c483]: mov eax, ecx ; pop esi ; leave ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x699670c1]: mov eax, ecx ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x6992d289]: mov eax, ecx ; pop esi ; ret (x11) (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x698a474c]: mov eax, ecx ; ret (x97)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x6991ea9b]: xchg eax, ecx ; add al, 0 ; leave ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x698b4804]: xchg eax, ecx ; add dword ptr fs:[eax], eax ; ret
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x69b0eae2]: xchg eax, ecx ; in eax, 0xff ; leave ; ret (modifies dst=eax, esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x69c8eb40]: xchg eax, ecx ; int 0xff ; leave ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x69b2eade]: xchg eax, ecx ; jecxz 0x69b2eae0 ; leave ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x698965e0]: xchg eax, ecx ; mov al, 0x1c ; outsb dx, byte ptr [esi] ; ret
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x698dea7e]: xchg eax, ecx ; or byte ptr [eax], al ; leave ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x698feaa6]: xchg eax, ecx ; push es ; add cl, cl ; ret
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x6984d4c9]: xchg eax, ecx ; ret (x3)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x69cd4cee]: xchg eax, ecx ; sahf ; ret
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x69c3eb09]: xchg eax, ecx ; sar bh, cl ; leave ; ret (modifies esp)
[SHELL32.dll @ 0x6995541d]: xchg eax, ecx ; test byte ptr [ecx - 0x75], ch ; ret
Licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.