- function __construct() <--- to set up database connections --->
- function login() <--- to set up login user --->
- function showAdmin() <--- to display admin data --->
- function showPaket() <--- to display paket data --->
- function updatePass() <--- to update passwords --->
- function plusPaket() <--- add packages --->
- function upPaket() <--- update packages --->
- function delPaket() <--- delete packages --->
- function newPost() <--- add content --->
- function updatePost() <--- update content --->
- function delPost() <--- delete content --->
- function showPost() <--- display content --->
- function upload_image() <--- upload image --->
- function showGaleri() <--- display image in galery --->
- function delimage() <--- delete image --->
- Start session()
- Destroy session()
- Direct to index
- Selecting the get method that is sent
- Process input in the form of username and password from the form and match with the database
- Upload images with conditions