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remove explicit uses of function$ in preparation for removing the t…
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cristianoc committed Dec 20, 2024
1 parent 1551925 commit b2ebcc0
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Showing 33 changed files with 216 additions and 284 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- Build with OCaml 5.2.1.
- AST cleanup: Remove `Function$` entirely for function definitions.
- AST cleanup: store arity in function type
- AST cleanup: remove explicit uses of `function$` in preparation for removing the type entirely.

# 12.0.0-alpha.5

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8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions analysis/src/
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Expand Up @@ -1358,12 +1358,8 @@ let rec completeTypedValue ?(typeArgContext : typeArgContext option) ~rawOpens
(* Find all functions in the module that returns type t *)
let rec fnReturnsTypeT t =
match t.Types.desc with
| Tlink t1
| Tsubst t1
| Tpoly (t1, [])
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [t1], _) ->
fnReturnsTypeT t1
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar t).desc with
| Tlink t1 | Tsubst t1 | Tpoly (t1, []) -> fnReturnsTypeT t1
| Tarrow _ -> (
match TypeUtils.extractFunctionType ~env ~package:full.package t with
| ( (Nolabel, {desc = Tconstr (Path.Pident {name = "t"}, _, _)}) :: _,
Expand Down
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions analysis/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,12 +234,8 @@ let getJsxLabels ~componentPath ~findTypeOfValue ~package =
| _ -> []
let rec getLabels (t : Types.type_expr) =
match t.desc with
| Tlink t1
| Tsubst t1
| Tpoly (t1, [])
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [t1], _) ->
getLabels t1
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar t).desc with
| Tlink t1 | Tsubst t1 | Tpoly (t1, []) -> getLabels t1
| Tconstr (p, [propsType], _) when p = "React.component" -> (
let rec getPropsType (t : Types.type_expr) =
match t.desc with
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions analysis/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,12 +118,11 @@ let printSignature ~extractor ~signature =

let buf = Buffer.create 10 in

let rec getComponentType (typ : Types.type_expr) =
let getComponentType (typ : Types.type_expr) =
let reactElement =
Ctype.newconstr (Pdot (Pident (Ident.create "React"), "element", 0)) []
match typ.desc with
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [typ], _) -> getComponentType typ
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar typ).desc with
| Tarrow
(_, {desc = Tconstr (Path.Pident propsId, typeArgs, _)}, retType, _, _)
when propsId = "props" ->
Expand Down
26 changes: 7 additions & 19 deletions analysis/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,25 +104,13 @@ let findFunctionType ~currentFile ~debug ~path ~pos =
(* Extracts all parameters from a parsed function signature *)
let extractParameters ~signature ~typeStrForParser ~labelPrefixLen =
match signature with
| [
( {
Parsetree.psig_desc =
Psig_value {pval_type = {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow _} as expr};
| {
psig_desc =
pval_type =
ptyp_desc =
( {txt = Lident "function$"},
[({ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow _} as expr)] );
} );
] ->
| [{Parsetree.psig_desc = Psig_value {pval_type = expr}}]
when match
(Ast_uncurried.core_type_remove_function_dollar expr).ptyp_desc
| Ptyp_arrow _ -> true
| _ -> false ->
let expr = Ast_uncurried.core_type_remove_function_dollar expr in
let rec extractParams expr params =
match expr with
| {
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33 changes: 9 additions & 24 deletions analysis/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ let findTypeViaLoc ~full ~debug (loc : Location.t) =
| Some {locType = Typed (_, typExpr, _)} -> Some typExpr
| _ -> None

let rec pathFromTypeExpr (t : Types.type_expr) =
match t.desc with
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [t], _) -> pathFromTypeExpr t
let pathFromTypeExpr (t : Types.type_expr) =
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar t).desc with
| Tconstr (path, _typeArgs, _)
| Tlink {desc = Tconstr (path, _typeArgs, _)}
| Tsubst {desc = Tconstr (path, _typeArgs, _)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,13 +237,11 @@ let rec extractObjectType ~env ~package (t : Types.type_expr) =
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None

let rec extractFunctionType ~env ~package typ =
let extractFunctionType ~env ~package typ =
let rec loop ~env acc (t : Types.type_expr) =
match t.desc with
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar t).desc with
| Tlink t1 | Tsubst t1 | Tpoly (t1, []) -> loop ~env acc t1
| Tarrow (label, tArg, tRet, _, _) -> loop ~env ((label, tArg) :: acc) tRet
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [t], _) ->
extractFunctionType ~env ~package t
| Tconstr (path, typeArgs, _) -> (
match References.digConstructor ~env ~package path with
| Some
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,14 +274,12 @@ let maybeSetTypeArgCtx ?typeArgContextFromTypeManifest ~typeParams ~typeArgs env

(* TODO(env-stuff) Maybe this could be removed entirely if we can guarantee that we don't have to look up functions from in here. *)
let rec extractFunctionType2 ?typeArgContext ~env ~package typ =
let extractFunctionType2 ?typeArgContext ~env ~package typ =
let rec loop ?typeArgContext ~env acc (t : Types.type_expr) =
match t.desc with
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar t).desc with
| Tlink t1 | Tsubst t1 | Tpoly (t1, []) -> loop ?typeArgContext ~env acc t1
| Tarrow (label, tArg, tRet, _, _) ->
loop ?typeArgContext ~env ((label, tArg) :: acc) tRet
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [t], _) ->
extractFunctionType2 ?typeArgContext ~env ~package t
| Tconstr (path, typeArgs, _) -> (
match References.digConstructor ~env ~package path with
| Some
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,7 +312,7 @@ let rec extractType ?(printOpeningDebug = true)
Printf.printf "[extract_type]--> %s"
(debugLogTypeArgContext typeArgContext));
let instantiateType = instantiateType2 in
match t.desc with
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar t).desc with
| Tlink t1 | Tsubst t1 | Tpoly (t1, []) ->
extractType ?typeArgContext ~printOpeningDebug:false ~env ~package t1
| Tconstr (Path.Pident {name = "option"}, [payloadTypeExpr], _) ->
Expand All @@ -334,13 +329,6 @@ let rec extractType ?(printOpeningDebug = true)
Some (Tstring env, typeArgContext)
| Tconstr (Path.Pident {name = "exn"}, [], _) ->
Some (Texn env, typeArgContext)
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [t], _) -> (
match extractFunctionType2 ?typeArgContext t ~env ~package with
| args, tRet, typeArgContext when args <> [] ->
( Tfunction {env; args; typ = t; uncurried = true; returnType = tRet},
typeArgContext )
| _args, _tRet, _typeArgContext -> None)
| Tarrow _ -> (
match extractFunctionType2 ?typeArgContext t ~env ~package with
| args, tRet, typeArgContext when args <> [] ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -906,11 +894,8 @@ let rec resolveNestedPatternPath (typ : innerType) ~env ~full ~nested =
let getArgs ~env (t : Types.type_expr) ~full =
let rec getArgsLoop ~env (t : Types.type_expr) ~full ~currentArgumentPosition
match t.desc with
| Tlink t1
| Tsubst t1
| Tpoly (t1, [])
| Tconstr (Pident {name = "function$"}, [t1], _) ->
match (Ast_uncurried.remove_function_dollar t).desc with
| Tlink t1 | Tsubst t1 | Tpoly (t1, []) ->
getArgsLoop ~full ~env ~currentArgumentPosition t1
| Tarrow (Labelled l, tArg, tRet, _, _) ->
(SharedTypes.Completable.Labelled l, tArg)
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28 changes: 18 additions & 10 deletions compiler/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ let get_uncurry_arity (ty : t) =
| _ -> None

let get_curry_arity (ty : t) =
if Ast_uncurried.core_type_is_uncurried_fun ty then
let arity, _ = Ast_uncurried.core_type_extract_uncurried_fun ty in
else get_uncurry_arity_aux ty 0
match Ast_uncurried.core_type_remove_function_dollar ty with
| {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (_, _, _, Some arity)} -> arity
| _ -> get_uncurry_arity_aux ty 0

let is_arity_one ty = get_curry_arity ty = 1

type param_type = {
Expand All @@ -138,12 +138,20 @@ type param_type = {

let mk_fn_type (new_arg_types_ty : param_type list) (result : t) : t =
Ext_list.fold_right new_arg_types_ty result (fun {label; ty; attr; loc} acc ->
ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (label, ty, acc, None);
ptyp_loc = loc;
ptyp_attributes = attr;
let t =
Ext_list.fold_right new_arg_types_ty result
(fun {label; ty; attr; loc} acc ->
ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (label, ty, acc, None);
ptyp_loc = loc;
ptyp_attributes = attr;
match t.ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_arrow (l, t1, t2, _arity) ->
let arity = List.length new_arg_types_ty in
{t with ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (l, t1, t2, Some arity)}
| _ -> t

let list_of_arrow (ty : t) : t * param_type list =
let rec aux (ty : t) acc =
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24 changes: 8 additions & 16 deletions compiler/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,28 +65,20 @@ let default_typ_mapper = Bs_ast_mapper.default_mapper.typ

let typ_mapper (self : Bs_ast_mapper.mapper) (ty : Parsetree.core_type) =
match ty with
| {
ptyp_desc =
( Ptyp_arrow (label, args, body, _)
| Ptyp_constr
(* function$<...> is re-wrapped around only in case Nothing below *)
( {txt = Lident "function$"},
[{ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (label, args, body, _)}] ) );
(* let it go without regard label names,
it will report error later when the label is not empty
ptyp_loc = loc;
} -> (
match fst (Ast_attributes.process_attributes_rev ptyp_attributes) with
let loc = ty.ptyp_loc in
match (Ast_uncurried.core_type_remove_function_dollar ty).ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_arrow (label, args, body, _)
(* let it go without regard label names,
it will report error later when the label is not empty
*) -> (
match fst (Ast_attributes.process_attributes_rev ty.ptyp_attributes) with
| Meth_callback _ ->
Ast_typ_uncurry.to_method_callback_type loc self label args body
| Method _ ->
(* Treat @meth as making the type uncurried, for backwards compatibility *)
Ast_typ_uncurry.to_uncurry_type loc self label args body
| Nothing -> Bs_ast_mapper.default_mapper.typ self ty)
| {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_object (methods, closed_flag); ptyp_loc = loc} ->
| Ptyp_object (methods, closed_flag) ->
let ( +> ) attr (typ : Parsetree.core_type) =
{typ with ptyp_attributes = attr :: typ.ptyp_attributes}
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19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions compiler/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,18 +105,25 @@ let handle_tdcl light (tdcl : Parsetree.type_declaration) :
let is_optional = Ast_attributes.has_bs_optional pld_attributes in

let maker, acc =
let arity =
if List.length labels = List.length label_declarations - 1 then
(* toplevel type *)
Some ((if has_optional_field then 2 else 1) + List.length labels)
else None
if is_optional then
let optional_type = Ast_core_type.lift_option_type pld_type in
( Ast_compatible.opt_arrow ~loc:pld_loc ~arity:None label_name
pld_type maker,
( Ast_compatible.opt_arrow ~loc:pld_loc ~arity label_name pld_type
maker, ~loc:pld_loc
(if light then pld_name
else {pld_name with txt = pld_name.txt ^ "Get"})
~attrs:get_optional_attrs ~prim
(Ast_compatible.arrow ~loc ~arity:None core_type optional_type)
(Ast_compatible.arrow ~loc ~arity:(Some 1) core_type
:: acc )
( Ast_compatible.label_arrow ~loc:pld_loc ~arity:None label_name
( Ast_compatible.label_arrow ~loc:pld_loc ~arity label_name
pld_type maker, ~loc:pld_loc
(if light then pld_name
Expand All @@ -127,14 +134,14 @@ let handle_tdcl light (tdcl : Parsetree.type_declaration) :
[External_arg_spec.dummy] Return_identity
(Js_get {js_get_name = prim_as_name; js_get_scopes = []}))
(Ast_compatible.arrow ~loc ~arity:None core_type pld_type)
(Ast_compatible.arrow ~loc ~arity:(Some 1) core_type pld_type)
:: acc )
let is_current_field_mutable = pld_mutable = Mutable in
let acc =
if is_current_field_mutable then
let setter_type =
Ast_compatible.arrow ~arity:None core_type
Ast_compatible.arrow ~arity:(Some 2) core_type
(Ast_compatible.arrow ~arity:None pld_type (* setter *)
(Ast_literal.type_unit ()))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ let erase_type_str =
( ~prim:["%identity"]
{loc = noloc; txt = erase_type_lit}
(Ast_compatible.arrow ~arity:None any any))
(Ast_compatible.arrow ~arity:(Some 1) any any))

let unsafe_index = "_index"

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15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions compiler/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ let handle_external loc (x : string) : Parsetree.expression =
str_exp with
pexp_desc =
Ast_external_mk.local_external_apply loc ~pval_prim:["#raw_expr"]
~pval_type:(Typ.arrow ~arity:None Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
(Typ.arrow ~arity:(Some 1) Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
Expand All @@ -69,7 +70,8 @@ let handle_debugger loc (payload : Ast_payload.t) =
| PStr [] ->
Ast_external_mk.local_external_apply loc ~pval_prim:["%debugger"]
(Typ.arrow ~arity:None Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Ast_literal.type_unit ()))
(Typ.arrow ~arity:(Some 1) Nolabel (Typ.any ())
(Ast_literal.type_unit ()))
[Ast_literal.val_unit ~loc ()]
| _ ->
Location.raise_errorf ~loc "%%debugger extension doesn't accept arguments"
Expand All @@ -93,7 +95,8 @@ let handle_raw ~kind loc payload =
exp with
pexp_desc =
Ast_external_mk.local_external_apply loc ~pval_prim:["#raw_expr"]
~pval_type:(Typ.arrow ~arity:None Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
(Typ.arrow ~arity:(Some 1) Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
pexp_attributes =
(match !is_function with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +145,8 @@ let handle_ffi ~loc ~payload =
exp with
pexp_desc =
Ast_external_mk.local_external_apply loc ~pval_prim:["#raw_expr"]
~pval_type:(Typ.arrow ~arity:None Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
(Typ.arrow ~arity:(Some 1) Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
pexp_attributes =
(match !is_function with
Expand All @@ -158,7 +162,8 @@ let handle_raw_structure loc payload =
exp with
pexp_desc =
Ast_external_mk.local_external_apply loc ~pval_prim:["#raw_stmt"]
~pval_type:(Typ.arrow ~arity:None Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
(Typ.arrow ~arity:(Some 1) Nolabel (Typ.any ()) (Typ.any ()))
| None ->
Expand Down
19 changes: 5 additions & 14 deletions compiler/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -934,17 +934,11 @@ let handle_attributes (loc : Bs_loc.t) (type_annotation : Parsetree.core_type)
Parsetree.core_type * External_ffi_types.t * Parsetree.attributes * bool =
let prim_name_with_source = {name = prim_name; source = External} in
let type_annotation, build_uncurried_type =
match type_annotation.ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_constr (({txt = Lident "function$"; _} as lid), [t]) ->
match Ast_uncurried.core_type_remove_function_dollar type_annotation with
| {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (_, _, _, Some _); _} as t ->
( t,
fun ~arity (x : Parsetree.core_type) ->
let x =
match x.ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_arrow (l, t1, t2, _) ->
{x with ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (l, t1, t2, arity)}
| _ -> x
{x with Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, [x])} )
Ast_uncurried.uncurried_type ~loc ~arity x )
| _ -> (type_annotation, fun ~arity:_ x -> x)
let result_type, arg_types_ty =
Expand All @@ -961,10 +955,7 @@ let handle_attributes (loc : Bs_loc.t) (type_annotation : Parsetree.core_type)
let arity, new_type, spec =
process_obj loc external_desc prim_name arg_types_ty result_type
( build_uncurried_type ~arity:(Some arity) new_type,
false )
(build_uncurried_type ~arity new_type, spec, unused_attrs, false)
let splice = external_desc.splice in
let arg_type_specs, new_arg_types_ty, arg_type_specs_length =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1036,7 +1027,7 @@ let handle_attributes (loc : Bs_loc.t) (type_annotation : Parsetree.core_type)
check_return_wrapper loc external_desc.return_wrapper result_type
let fn_type = Ast_core_type.mk_fn_type new_arg_types_ty result_type in
( build_uncurried_type ~arity:(Some (List.length new_arg_types_ty)) fn_type,
( build_uncurried_type ~arity:(List.length new_arg_types_ty) fn_type,
External_ffi_types.ffi_bs arg_type_specs return_wrapper ffi,
relative )
Expand Down

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