MyST is a parser that helps sphinx to read markdown.
LiveReload, is a server, that helps to rebuild any changes.
Following needs to be installed:
- sphinx
- livereload
- myst-parser
To initiate the sphinx, use terminal and run the sphinx-quickstart
Following code will make the auto reload work:
if __name__ == '__main__':
server = Server()'*.rst', shell('make html'), delay=1)'*.md', shell('make html'), delay=1)'*.py', shell('make html'), delay=1)'_static/*', shell('make html'), delay=1)'_templates/*', shell('make html'), delay=1)
project = 'Project Name'
copyright = 'Copyright line'
author = 'Author Name'
extensions = [
'myst_parser', <remove>the myst parser<remove>
templates_path = ['_templates']
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
html_theme = 'alabaster'
html_static_path = ['_static']
myst_enable_extensions = [
"colon_fence", <remove>colon fence for rich images<remove>
Toc means table of contents. More than 1 toc tree can be used in pages.
maxdepth: 2
caption: |
With colon fence we can use following syntax. target-label can be called with the {ref} tag to create links.
:class: myclass
<img src="python-logo.png" alt="Python Logo" class="bg-primary" width="300px">
Python comes from the *Python Software Foundation*.
Usual MD concept is used:
[link_text | -Blank-](link_label)
link label: It can be a file name or role reference.
e.g. : [About Us](about_us)
If the link text is blank, it is automatically assigned as the title.
Roles can be defined to any header or item by (rolename)= e.g.
## Investors
Our investors are very proud to be involved with us.
to refer to this link following statemend should be used.
Codeblock automatically defines the block for the language. However, to give more params
it is needed to have {code-block} directive for myst.
:linenos: -> shows the line numbers
YAML format also works in between ---
```{code-block} javascript
function hello(msg) {
return 'Hello ${msg}'
Literalinclude is to import a py file.
linenos: true
emphasize-lines: 2-3
the module directory needs to be added to the python path with following code in
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("."))
then for importing the files to a page:
.. autoclass:: my_demo.MyDemo
Intersphinx allows to connect to the other sphinx sites and use their reference inventory.
To use, we need to add lines to
extensions = [
intersphinx_mapping = {
"sphinx": ("", None),
myst_url_schemes = ["http", "https", ]
myst_url_schemes is needed to define the schemes from external.
To reach external links:
for our case: