- Clonar el repositorio y abrirlo con la version community edition de JetBraisn -> https://www.jetbrains.com/es-es/idea/download/other.html
- Darle play desde IntelliJ Idea al proyecto, se va a levantar el servidor
- Ver la ip de nuestra maquina (ipconfig o ipv4 search en mac os)
- Configurar esa ip en nuestra app KMP en ExpensesRepoImpl
- Clone the repository and open it with the community edition of JetBrains -> https://www.jetbrains.com/es-es/idea/download/other.html
- Run it from IntelliJ Idea to start the project, the server will be launched
- Check the IP of your machine (ipconfig or ipv4 search on macOS)
- Configure that IP in your KMP app in ExpensesRepoImpl