Very basic web app written in typescript to convert an amount from a base currency to another, provided a lookup map of rates and currencies to "cross" via during the conversion.
yarn serve
Then visit http://localhost:8080
- If the conversions and currencies maps were to become larger, loading could be performed asynchronously.
- The conversion itself could be performed in a web worker if the number of cross-via's became an issue and started to impact rendering performance.
- The cross-via map could be generate on the fly/when rates are updated to find the most cost effective route to the desired currency.
Built using React + Redux with styled-components to keep styling beside the components using it.
Utilises jest, stryker and storybook with the storyshots addon for snapshot testing.
Stryker mutates code in attempt to catch faulty/missing tests and flags when tests do not fail due to the mutations
Builds using travisci and deploys to github pages
yarn build
Builds app into dist
directory using webpack
yarn test
Runs jest unit tests
yarn test:stryker
Runs stryker mutation testing
yarn storybook
Builds and runs storybook