This is the code behind the medical prevention website Vaccin HPV Info (French only).
This is shared as an example of a Next.js + Prismic architecture
React.js hooks
- The best way to handle state in React.
- Makes the Server Side Rendering and development of React apps a pleasure.
Prismic CMS
- Almost all the content of the website can be modified on the CMS with no redevelopment.
Semantic UI React
- The composable front end framework Semantic UI adapted for React.
Next SEO
- Populate each page header metadata with name, description, image, etc.
- Ready to deploy on Vercel using git integration or the command line
Clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone && yarn && yarn dev
Serve with hot reload at localhost:3000.
yarn dev
Build for production: next.js automatically renders static HTML pages when possible. Then if you deploy on Vercel you can have both statically rendered pages and server-side rendered pages (as lambdas functions).
yarn build
Launch a server for server-side rendering (after building the application):
npm start
Generate a fully static project with pre-rendered pages to put directly on a server or any static website hosting platform. Note that you lose the possibility to have server-side rendered pages. With Vercel you should not have to run this command.
yarn export
Released under the MIT license.