svgpathtools is a collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG Path objects and Bézier curves.
svgpathtools contains functions designed to easily read, write and display SVG files as well as a large selection of geometrically-oriented tools to transform and analyze path elements.
Additionally, the submodule contains tools for for working with general nth order Bezier curves stored as n-tuples.
Some included tools:
- read, write, and display SVG files containing Path (and other) SVG elements
- convert Bézier path segments to numpy.poly1d (polynomial) objects
- convert polynomials (in standard form) to their Bézier form
- compute tangent vectors and (right-hand rule) normal vectors
- compute curvature
- break discontinuous paths into their continuous subpaths.
- efficiently compute intersections between paths and/or segments
- find a bounding box for a path or segment
- reverse segment/path orientation
- crop and split paths and segments
- smooth paths (i.e. smooth away kinks to make paths differentiable)
- transition maps from path domain to segment domain and back (T2t and t2T)
- compute area enclosed by a closed path
- compute arc length
- compute inverse arc length
- convert RGB color tuples to hexadecimal color strings and back
While I am hopeful that this package entirely works with Python 3, it was born from a larger project coded in Python 2 and has not been thoroughly tested in Python 3. Please let me know if you find any incompatibilities.
- numpy
- svgwrite
If not already installed, you can install the prerequisites using pip.
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install svgwrite
Then install svgpathtools:
$ pip install svgpathtools
You can download the source from Github and install by using the command (from inside the folder containing
$ python install
Much of the core of this module was taken from the svg.path (v2.0) module. Interested svg.path users should see the compatibility notes at bottom of this readme.
Also, a big thanks to the author(s) of A Primer on Bézier Curves, an outstanding resource for learning about Bézier curves and Bézier curve-related algorithms.
The svgpathtools module is primarily structured around four path segment
classes: Line
, QuadraticBezier
, CubicBezier
, and Arc
There is also a fifth class, Path
, whose objects are sequences of
(connected or disconnected1) path segment objects.
Line(start, end)
Arc(start, radius, rotation, large_arc, sweep, end)
Note: See docstring for a detailed explanation of these parametersQuadraticBezier(start, control, end)
CubicBezier(start, control1, control2, end)
See the relevant docstrings in or the official SVG specifications for more information on what each parameter means.
1 Warning: Some of the functionality in this library has not been tested
on discontinuous Path objects. A simple workaround is provided, however,
by the Path.continuous_subpaths()
method. ↩
from __future__ import division, print_function
# Coordinates are given as points in the complex plane
from svgpathtools import Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc
seg1 = CubicBezier(300+100j, 100+100j, 200+200j, 200+300j) # A cubic beginning at (300, 100) and ending at (200, 300)
seg2 = Line(200+300j, 250+350j) # A line beginning at (200, 300) and ending at (250, 350)
path = Path(seg1, seg2) # A path traversing the cubic and then the line
# We could alternatively created this Path object using a d-string
from svgpathtools import parse_path
path_alt = parse_path('M 300 100 C 100 100 200 200 200 300 L 250 350')
# Let's check that these two methods are equivalent
print(path == path_alt)
# On a related note, the Path.d() method returns a Path object's d-string
print(parse_path(path.d()) == path)
Path(CubicBezier(start=(300+100j), control1=(100+100j), control2=(200+200j), end=(200+300j)), Line(start=(200+300j), end=(250+350j))) Path(CubicBezier(start=(300+100j), control1=(100+100j), control2=(200+200j), end=(200+300j)), Line(start=(200+300j), end=(250+350j))) True M 300.0,100.0 C 100.0,100.0 200.0,200.0 200.0,300.0 L 250.0,350.0 True
The Path
class is a mutable sequence, so it behaves much like a
list. So segments can appended, inserted, set by index,
deleted, enumerated, sliced out, etc.
# Let's append another to the end of it
path.append(CubicBezier(250+350j, 275+350j, 250+225j, 200+100j))
# Let's replace the first segment with a Line object
path[0] = Line(200+100j, 200+300j)
# You may have noticed that this path is connected and now is also closed (i.e. path.start == path.end)
print("path is continuous? ", path.iscontinuous())
print("path is closed? ", path.isclosed())
# The curve the path follows is not, however, smooth (differentiable)
from svgpathtools import kinks, smoothed_path
print("path contains non-differentiable points? ", len(kinks(path)) > 0)
# If we want, we can smooth these out (Experimental and only for line/cubic paths)
# Note: smoothing will always works (except on 180 degree turns), but you may want
# to play with the maxjointsize and tightness parameters to get pleasing results
# Note also: smoothing will increase the number of segments in a path
spath = smoothed_path(path)
print("spath contains non-differentiable points? ", len(kinks(spath)) > 0)
# Let's take a quick look at the path and its smoothed relative
# The following commands will open two browser windows to display path and spaths
from svgpathtools import disvg
from time import sleep
sleep(1) # needed when not giving the SVGs unique names (or not using timestamp)
print("Notice that path contains {} segments and spath contains {} segments."
"".format(len(path), len(spath)))
Path(CubicBezier(start=(300+100j), control1=(100+100j), control2=(200+200j), end=(200+300j)), Line(start=(200+300j), end=(250+350j)), CubicBezier(start=(250+350j), control1=(275+350j), control2=(250+225j), end=(200+100j))) Path(Line(start=(200+100j), end=(200+300j)), Line(start=(200+300j), end=(250+350j)), CubicBezier(start=(250+350j), control1=(275+350j), control2=(250+225j), end=(200+100j))) path is continuous? True path is closed? True path contains non-differentiable points? True spath contains non-differentiable points? False Path(Line(start=(200+101.5j), end=(200+298.5j)), CubicBezier(start=(200+298.5j), control1=(200+298.505j), control2=(201.057124638+301.057124638j), end=(201.060660172+301.060660172j)), Line(start=(201.060660172+301.060660172j), end=(248.939339828+348.939339828j)), CubicBezier(start=(248.939339828+348.939339828j), control1=(249.649982143+349.649982143j), control2=(248.995+350j), end=(250+350j)), CubicBezier(start=(250+350j), control1=(275+350j), control2=(250+225j), end=(200+100j)), CubicBezier(start=(200+100j), control1=(199.62675237+99.0668809257j), control2=(200+100.495j), end=(200+101.5j))) Notice that path contains 3 segments and spath contains 6 segments.
# Read SVG into a list of path objects and list of dictionaries of attributes
from svgpathtools import svg2paths, wsvg
paths, attributes = svg2paths('test.svg')
# Update: You can now also extract the svg-attributes by setting
# return_svg_attributes=True, or with the convenience function svg2paths2
from svgpathtools import svg2paths2
paths, attributes, svg_attributes = svg2paths2('test.svg')
# Let's print out the first path object and the color it was in the SVG
# We'll see it is composed of two CubicBezier objects and, in the SVG file it
# came from, it was red
redpath = paths[0]
redpath_attribs = attributes[0]
Path(CubicBezier(start=(10.5+80j), control1=(40+10j), control2=(65+10j), end=(95+80j)), CubicBezier(start=(95+80j), control1=(125+150j), control2=(150+150j), end=(180+80j))) red
The wsvg() function creates an SVG file from a list of path. This function can do many things (see docstring in for more information) and is meant to be quick and easy to use. Note: Use the convenience function disvg() (or set 'openinbrowser=True') to automatically attempt to open the created svg file in your default SVG viewer.
# Let's make a new SVG that's identical to the first
wsvg(paths, attributes=attributes, svg_attributes=svg_attributes, filename='output1.svg')
There will be many more examples of writing and displaying path data below.
SVG Path elements and their segments have official parameterizations.
These parameterizations can be accessed using the Path.point()
, QuadraticBezier.point()
, CubicBezier.point()
and Arc.point()
methods. All these parameterizations are defined
over the domain 0 <= t <= 1.
when referring to the parameterization of a Path
object and a lower case t
when referring speaking about path
segment objects (i.e. Line, QaudraticBezier, CubicBezier, and Arc
value, the Path.T2t()
method can be used to find the
corresponding segment index, k
, and segment parameter, t
, such
that path.point(T)=path[k].point(t)
method to solve the inverse problem.# Example:
# Let's check that the first segment of redpath starts
# at the same point as redpath
firstseg = redpath[0]
print(redpath.point(0) == firstseg.point(0) == redpath.start == firstseg.start)
# Let's check that the last segment of redpath ends on the same point as redpath
lastseg = redpath[-1]
print(redpath.point(1) == lastseg.point(1) == redpath.end == lastseg.end)
# This next boolean should return False as redpath is composed multiple segments
print(redpath.point(0.5) == firstseg.point(0.5))
# If we want to figure out which segment of redpoint the
# point redpath.point(0.5) lands on, we can use the path.T2t() method
k, t = redpath.T2t(0.5)
print(redpath[k].point(t) == redpath.point(0.5))
True True False True
objects. This is done easily using the
, QuadraticBezier.poly()
and CubicBezier.poly()
function in the
submodule to convert polynomials back to Bezier curves.Note: cubic Bezier curves are parameterized as
\mathcal{B}(t) = P_0(1-t)^3 + 3P_1(1-t)^2t + 3P_2(1-t)t^2 + P_3t^3
where P_0, P_1, P_2, and P_3 are the
control points start
, control1
, control2
, and end
respectively, that svgpathtools uses to define a CubicBezier object. The
method expands this polynomial to its standard
\mathcal{B}(t) = c_0t^3 + c_1t^2 +c_2t+c3
\begin{bmatrix}c_0\\c_1\\c_2\\c_3\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 3 & -3 & 1\\ 3 & -6 & -3 & 0\\ -3 & 3 & 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}P_0\\P_1\\P_2\\P_3\end{bmatrix}
QuadraticBezier.poly() and Line.poly() are defined similarly.
# Example:
b = CubicBezier(300+100j, 100+100j, 200+200j, 200+300j)
p = b.poly()
# p(t) == b.point(t)
print(p(0.235) == b.point(0.235))
# What is p(t)? It's just the cubic b written in standard form.
bpretty = "{}*(1-t)^3 + 3*{}*(1-t)^2*t + 3*{}*(1-t)*t^2 + {}*t^3".format(*b.bpoints())
print("The CubicBezier, b.point(x) = \n\n" +
bpretty + "\n\n" +
"can be rewritten in standard form as \n\n" +
True The CubicBezier, b.point(x) = (300+100j)*(1-t)^3 + 3*(100+100j)*(1-t)^2*t + 3*(200+200j)*(1-t)*t^2 + (200+300j)*t^3 can be rewritten in standard form as 3 2 (-400 + -100j) t + (900 + 300j) t - 600 t + (300 + 100j)
To illustrate the awesomeness of being able to convert our Bezier curve objects to numpy.poly1d objects and back, lets compute the unit tangent vector of the above CubicBezier object, b, at t=0.5 in four different ways.
t = 0.5
### Method 1: the easy way
u1 = b.unit_tangent(t)
### Method 2: another easy way
# Note: This way will fail if it encounters a removable singularity.
u2 = b.derivative(t)/abs(b.derivative(t))
### Method 2: a third easy way
# Note: This way will also fail if it encounters a removable singularity.
dp = p.deriv()
u3 = dp(t)/abs(dp(t))
### Method 4: the removable-singularity-proof numpy.poly1d way
# Note: This is roughly how Method 1 works
from svgpathtools import real, imag, rational_limit
dx, dy = real(dp), imag(dp) # dp == dx + 1j*dy
p_mag2 = dx**2 + dy**2 # p_mag2(t) = |p(t)|**2
# Note: abs(dp) isn't a polynomial, but abs(dp)**2 is, and,
# the limit_{t->t0}[f(t) / abs(f(t))] ==
# sqrt(limit_{t->t0}[f(t)**2 / abs(f(t))**2])
from cmath import sqrt
u4 = sqrt(rational_limit(dp**2, p_mag2, t))
print("unit tangent check:", u1 == u2 == u3 == u4)
# Let's do a visual check
mag = b.length()/4 # so it's not hard to see the tangent line
tangent_line = Line(b.point(t), b.point(t) + mag*u1)
disvg([b, tangent_line], 'bg', nodes=[b.point(t)])
unit tangent check: True
# Speaking of tangents, let's add a normal vector to the picture
n = b.normal(t)
normal_line = Line(b.point(t), b.point(t) + mag*n)
disvg([b, tangent_line, normal_line], 'bgp', nodes=[b.point(t)])
# and let's reverse the orientation of b!
# the tangent and normal lines should be sent to their opposites
br = b.reversed()
# Let's also shift b_r over a bit to the right so we can view it next to b
# The simplest way to do this is br = br.translated(3*mag), but let's use
# the .bpoints() instead, which returns a Bezier's control points
br.start, br.control1, br.control2, br.end = [3*mag + bpt for bpt in br.bpoints()] #
tangent_line_r = Line(br.point(t), br.point(t) + mag*br.unit_tangent(t))
normal_line_r = Line(br.point(t), br.point(t) + mag*br.normal(t))
wsvg([b, tangent_line, normal_line, br, tangent_line_r, normal_line_r],
'bgpkgp', nodes=[b.point(t), br.point(t)], filename='vectorframes.svg',
text=["b's tangent", "br's tangent"], text_path=[tangent_line, tangent_line_r])
# Let's take a Line and an Arc and make some pictures
top_half = Arc(start=-1, radius=1+2j, rotation=0, large_arc=1, sweep=1, end=1)
midline = Line(-1.5, 1.5)
# First let's make our ellipse whole
bottom_half = top_half.rotated(180)
decorated_ellipse = Path(top_half, bottom_half)
# Now let's add the decorations
for k in range(12):
# Let's move it over so we can see the original Line and Arc object next
# to the final product
decorated_ellipse = decorated_ellipse.translated(4+0j)
wsvg([top_half, midline, decorated_ellipse], filename='decorated_ellipse.svg')
Here we'll create an SVG that shows off the parametric and geometric
midpoints of the paths from test.svg
. We'll need to compute use the
, Line.length()
, QuadraticBezier.length()
, and Arc.length()
methods, as well as the
related inverse arc length methods .ilength()
function to do this.
# First we'll load the path data from the file test.svg
paths, attributes = svg2paths('test.svg')
# Let's mark the parametric midpoint of each segment
# I say "parametric" midpoint because Bezier curves aren't
# parameterized by arclength
# If they're also the geometric midpoint, let's mark them
# purple and otherwise we'll mark the geometric midpoint green
min_depth = 5
error = 1e-4
dots = []
ncols = []
nradii = []
for path in paths:
for seg in path:
parametric_mid = seg.point(0.5)
seg_length = seg.length()
if seg.length(0.5)/seg.length() == 1/2:
dots += [parametric_mid]
ncols += ['purple']
nradii += [5]
t_mid = seg.ilength(seg_length/2)
geo_mid = seg.point(t_mid)
dots += [parametric_mid, geo_mid]
ncols += ['red', 'green']
nradii += [5] * 2
# In 'output2.svg' the paths will retain their original attributes
wsvg(paths, nodes=dots, node_colors=ncols, node_radii=nradii,
attributes=attributes, filename='output2.svg')
# Let's find all intersections between redpath and the other
redpath = paths[0]
redpath_attribs = attributes[0]
intersections = []
for path in paths[1:]:
for (T1, seg1, t1), (T2, seg2, t2) in redpath.intersect(path):
disvg(paths, filename='output_intersections.svg', attributes=attributes,
nodes = intersections, node_radii = [5]*len(intersections))
Here we'll find the offset curve for a few paths.
from svgpathtools import parse_path, Line, Path, wsvg
def offset_curve(path, offset_distance, steps=1000):
"""Takes in a Path object, `path`, and a distance,
`offset_distance`, and outputs an piecewise-linear approximation
of the 'parallel' offset curve."""
nls = []
for seg in path:
ct = 1
for k in range(steps):
t = k / steps
offset_vector = offset_distance * seg.normal(t)
nl = Line(seg.point(t), seg.point(t) + offset_vector)
connect_the_dots = [Line(nls[k].end, nls[k+1].end) for k in range(len(nls)-1)]
if path.isclosed():
connect_the_dots.append(Line(nls[-1].end, nls[0].end))
offset_path = Path(*connect_the_dots)
return offset_path
# Examples:
path1 = parse_path("m 288,600 c -52,-28 -42,-61 0,-97 ")
path2 = parse_path("M 151,395 C 407,485 726.17662,160 634,339").translated(300)
path3 = parse_path("m 117,695 c 237,-7 -103,-146 457,0").translated(500+400j)
paths = [path1, path2, path3]
offset_distances = [10*k for k in range(1,51)]
offset_paths = []
for path in paths:
for distances in offset_distances:
offset_paths.append(offset_curve(path, distances))
# Note: This will take a few moments
wsvg(paths + offset_paths, 'g'*len(paths) + 'r'*len(offset_paths), filename='offset_curves.svg')
- renamed Arc.arc attribute as Arc.large_arc
- Path.d() : For behavior similar2 to svg.path (v2.0), set both useSandT and use_closed_attrib to be True.
2 The behavior would be identical, but the string formatting used in this method has been changed to use default format (instead of the General format, {:G}), for inceased precision. ↩
This module is under a MIT License.