Synology Photos is easily the most feature rish self-hosted photo manager...but damn is it ugly. This repo is where I will begin to list any modifications I create or find across the internet to enhance Synology Photos.
This is a nearly complete and fully functional dark theme created by me. I can't stand the bright white theme of the stock Photos webUI, I couldnt find any existing userstyles, so I made my own.
- d2.css (This is the only file needed, all images and icon changes are in base64 to avoid needing external files.)
- Completely custom dark theme. Instead of generating something with a browser extension, I decided to dig through the inspector and theme everything individually.
- Should be well over 90% complete, but I'm always open to refinements and new ideas.
- The header logo is completely custom, and created by me. I will upload a higher resolution version at some point.
- Many of the icons used throughout the UI have been replaced using icons from
- The terrible placeholder images for an empty library, empty albums page, empty share page, etc, have all been replaced.
- Added a transparent black background to the time displayed over videos to increase readability.
- Increased the Opacity of the hover shadows on images, and the album description gradient to increase readability.
- The main loading throbber is still white.
- The "Processing..." throbber is still white.
- The Prev and Next buttons in the image lightbox are still the stock color.
- Some text input fields are still white, however the text is a constrasting color so this doesnt affect useability.
- The timeline scrollbar is not fully themed.
- Dropdown menus, and the background of the lightbox seem to use the same color value.
I am not a web developer, most of the issues are simply because I cannot figure out how to fix them so any help is greatly appreciated.
Custom made desktop icons. I like having Photos in a SSB so it's more like a desktop app. Since I couldnt find any decent quality icons, I made my own from scratch.
- light.PNG (Light background)
- dark.PNG (Dark background)
- full.PNG (No background, logo is enlarged to fill entire icon.)