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An open source CSE Middleware for Education.

Version 0.3


This CSE implements a subset of the oneM2M standard specializations (see The intention is to provide an easy to install, extensible, and easy to use and maintain CSE for educational purposes. Also see the discussion on Limitations below.


In order to run the CSE the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

  • Python 3.8 : Install this or a newer version of Python with your favorite package manager.

  • You may consider to use a virtual environment manager like pyenv + virtualenv (see, for example, this tutorial).

  • flask: The CSE uses the Flask web framework. Install it by running the pip command:

      pip3 install flask
  • psutil: The psutil package is used to gather various system information for the CSE's hosting node resource. Install it by running the pip command:

      pip3 install psutil
  • requests: The CSE uses the Requests HTTP Library to send requests vi http. Install it by running the pip command:

      pip3 install requests
  • tinydb : To store resources the CSE uses the lightweight TinyDB document database. Install it by running the pip command:

      pip3 install tinydb

Installation and Configuration

Install the ACME CSE by copy the whole distribution to a new directory. You also need to copy the configuration file acme.ini.default to a new file acme.ini and make adjustments to that new file.

cp acme.ini.default acme.ini

Please have a look at the configuration file. All the CSE's settings are read from this file.

There are a lot of individual things to configure here. Mostly, the defaults should be sufficient, but individual settings can be applied to each of the sections.


Running the Notifications Server

If you want to work with subscriptions and notification: You might want to have a Notifications Server running first before starting the CSE. The Notification Server provided with the CSE in the tools/notificationServer directory provides a very simple implementation that receives and answers notification requests.

See the README file for further details.

Running the CSE

You can start the CSE by simply running it from a command line:


In this case the configuration file acme.ini must be in the same directory.

In additions, you can provide additional command line arguments that will override the respective settings from the configuration file:

  • -h, --help : show a help message and exit.
  • --apps, --noapps: Enable or disable the build-in applications. This overrides the settings in the configuration file.
  • --config CONFIGFILE: Specify a configuration file that is used instead of the default (acme.ini) one.
  • --db-reset: Reset and clear the database when starting the CSE.
  • --db-storage {memory,disk}: Specify the DB´s storage mode.
  • --log-level {info, error, warn, debug, off}: Set the log level, or turn logging off.
  • --import-directory IMPORTDIRECTORY: Specify the import directory.

Stopping the CSE

The CSE can be stopped by pressing CTRL-C once on the command line.

Please note, that the shutdown might take a moment (e.g. gracefully terminating background processes, writing database caches, sending notifications etc).

Being impatient and hitting CTRL-C twice might lead to data corruption.

Downloading and Running a Docker Image

A Docker image with reasonable defaults is available on Docker Hub: .

You can download and run it with the following shell command:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm --name acme-onem2m-cse ankraft/acme-onem2m-cse

Build Your Own Docker Image

You can adapt (ie. configure a new Docker Hub ID) the build script and Dockerfile in the tools/Docker directory. The build script takes the current scripts, configuration, resources etc, builds a new Docker image, and uploads the image to the configured Docker Hub repository.

Importing Resources

During startup it is possible to import resources into to CSE. Each resource is read from a single file in the init resource directory specified in the configuration file.

Not much validation, access control, or registration procedures are performedfor imported resources.

Importing Mandatory Resources

Please note that importing is required for creating the CSEBase resource and at least two (admin) ACP resources. Those are imported before all other resources, so that the CSEBase resource can act as the root for the resource tree. The admin ACP is used to access resources with the administrator originator. The default ACP resource is the one that is assigned for resources that don't specify an ACP on their own.

The filenames for these resources must be:

Importing Other Resources

After importing the mandatory resources all other resources in the init directory are read in alphabetical order and are added (created) to the CSE's resource tree. Imported resources must have a valid acpi attribute, because no default acpi is assigned during importing.

Updating Resources

If the filename contains the substring update, then the resource specified by the resource's ri attribute is updated instead of created.

Examples & Templates

A minimal set of resources is provided in the init directory. Definitions for a more sophisticated setup can be found in the tools/init.example directory. To use these examples, you can either copy the resources to the init directory or change the "cse -> resourcesPath" entry in the acme.ini configuration file.

The directory tools/resourceTemplates contains templates for supported resource types. Please see the README there for further details.

Web UI

The Web UI is by default enabled and reachable under the (configurable) path <host>/webui.

  • To login you need to specify a valid originator. The default "admin" originator is CAdmin.
  • Beside of the default CSEBase resource you can specify a different resource identifier as the root of the resource tree.
  • You can navigate the resource tree with arrow keys.
  • You can switch between short and long attribute names (press CTRL-H).


The web UI also provides a REST UI where you can send REST requests directed at resources on the CSE.


Remote CSE

When a CSE is configured as an MN-CSE of ASN-CSE it can connect to a remote CSE, respectively an IN-CSE and MN-CSE can receive connection requests from those CSE types. A remoteCSE resource is created in case of a successful connection. A CSE checks regularly the connection to other remote CSEs and removes the remoteCSE if the connection could not been established.

Announced resources are currently not supported by this implementation. But you can issue transfer requests to a remote CSE via its remoteCSE resource. These requests are forwarded by the CSE.

You must configure the details of the remote CSE in the configuration file.

CSE Originator Assignment

Whenever a new ACP resource is created, the CSE's admin originator is assigned to that resource automatically. This way resources can always accessed by this originator.

This behaviour can be configured in the [cse.resource.acp] section of the configuration file.

AE Registration

Whenever a new AE registers itself with the CSE (using the originators C or S) then a new originator for that AE is created. Also, the CSE automatically creates a new ACP resource for that new originator.

Be aware that this ACP resource is also removed when the AE is deleted.

The operations for the ACP resource can be configured in the [cse.resource.acp] section of the configuration file.

Nodes and Applications

Currently, two component implementations are provided in addtion to the main CSE. They serve as examples how implement components that are hosted by the CSE itself.

CSE Node

This component implements a <node> resource that provides additional information about the actual node (system) the CSE is running on. These are specializations of <mgmtObj>'s, namely battery, memory, and device information.

It can be enabled/disabled and configured in the [app.csenode] section of the configuration file.

Statistics AE

The component implements an <AE> resource that provides statistic information about the CSE. It defines a proprietary <flexContainer> specialization that contains custom attributes for various statistic information, and which is updated every few seconds.

It can be enabled/disabled and configured in the [app.statistics] section of the configuration file.

Developing Nodes and AEs

You can develop your own components that technically run inside the CSE themselves by following the pattern of those two components:

  • Implement a class with either AEBase or NodeBase as a base class. This will create an <AE> or <node> resource for you.
  • Implement a worker method and start it in the __init__() method. This method is called regularly in the background. This worker method can implement the main functionality of the <AE> or <node>.
  • Implement a shutdown() method that is called when the CSE shuts down.
  • Add your new component to the following methods in acme/
    • startApps(): starting your component.
    • stopApps(): shutting down your component.

There are more helper methods provided by the common AppBase and AEBase base classes, e.g. to send requests to the CSE via Mca, store AE data persistently etc.

Integration Into Other Applications

It is possible to integrate the CSE into other applications, e.g. a Jupyter Notebook. In this case you would possibly like to provide startup arguments, for example the path of the configuration file or the logging level, directly instead of getting them from argparse.

You might want to get the example from the starter file where you could replace the line:


with a call to the CSE's startup() function:

CSE.startup(None, configfile=defaultConfigFile, loglevel='error')

Please note that in case you provide the arguments directly the first argument needs to be None.

The names of the argparse variables can be used here, and you may provide all or only some of the arguments. Please note that you need to keep or copy the import and sys.path statements at the top of that file.

URL Mappings

As a convenience to access resources on a CSE and to let requests look more like "normal" REST request you can define mappings. The format is a path that maps to another path and arguments. When issued a request to one of those mapped paths the http server issues a redirect to the other path.

For example, the path /access/v1/devices can be mapped to /cse-mn?ty=14&fu=1&fo=2&rcn=8 to easily retrieve all nodes from the CSE.

See the configuration file for more examples.


  • This is by no means a fully compliant, secure or stable CSE! Don't use it in production.
  • This CSE is intended for educational purposes. The underlying database system is not optimized in any way for high-volume, high-accessibility.
  • No support for https yet.
  • Security: None. Please contact me if you have suggestions to improve this.
  • Unsupported resource types are just stored, but no check or functionality is provided for those resources. The same is true for unknown resource attributes. Only a few attributes are validated.

Supported Resource Types and Functionalities


The CSE supports the following oneM2M resource types:

  • CSEBase (CB)
  • Access Control Policy (ACP)
  • Remote CSE (CSR)
    Announced resources are yet not supported. Transit request, though, to resources on the remote CSE are supported.
  • Application Entity (AE)
  • Container (CNT)
  • Content Instance (CIN)
  • Subscription (SUB)
    Notifications via http to a direct url or an AE's Point-of-Access (POA) are supported as well.
  • Group (GRP)
    The support includes requests via the fopt (fan-out-point) virtual resource.
  • Node (NOD)
    The support includes the following Management Object (mgmtObj) specializations:
    • Firmware (FWR)
    • Software (SWR)
    • Memory (MEM)
    • AreaNwkInfo (ANI)
    • AreaNwkDeviceInfo (ANDI)
    • Battery (BAT)
    • DeviceInfo (DVI)
    • DeviceCapability (DVC)
    • Reboot (REB)
    • EventLog (EVL)
  • FlexContainer Specializations
    Any specializations is supported. There is no check performed against a schema (e.g. via the cnd attribute).

Resources of any other type are stored in the CSE but no further processed and no checks are performed on these resources. The type is marked as unknown.


The following result contents are implemented for Discovery:

  • attributes + child-resources (rcn=4)
  • attributes + child-resource-references (rcn=5)
  • child-resource-references (rcn=6)
  • child-resources (rcn=8)

Third-Party Components


UI Components

Roadmap & Backlog

  • CSE: Announcements
  • CSE: Better resource validations
  • CSE: Timeseries
  • CSE: Support discovery also for other request types
  • UI: Support for resource specific actions (e.g. latest, oldest)
  • UI: Graph for Container reosurces
  • Importer: Automatically import/update resources when the CSE is running
  • App development: support more specializations

The Messy Details


BSD 3-Clause License for the CSE and its native components and modules. Please see the individual licenses of the used third-party components.


An open source CSE Middleware for Education.







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