This tutorial helps the Android developers who are beginners in OpenGLES2.0 to create various types of shape they would need to create an application. The tutorial is designed in such a way that one can straight away jump into the development of an Android OpenGL application instead of figuring out (core concepts) theoretically.
This is an attempt to simplify a developer's work so that he/she can focus more on the "IDEA" rather than the "IMPLEMENTATION" of the app.
Utils folder has utility classes to compile shader, create texture, read shader from string and check gl errors.
Shapes folder has shapes classes to create points, lines, triangles, quad, cubes, spheres, heightmap.(more to come soon!)
raw folder has shader code for shapes.
Shapes implemented :-
NOTE: some shapes will not work on some emulators.(in this case try with phone)
NOTE: if you would like to know more about modification of code to suit your purpose, you can write to me at [email protected]. I would be happy to help!