npm i -d
# Create the Merkle root & paths
npm run generate-merkle-root -- --input input.csv --network <kovan|mainnet> --description 'Community Distribution #5'
# Verify that the merkle path are correct and match the root
npm run verify-merkle-roots -- --network <kovan|mainnet> --id 7
should be a CSV file with the addresses and amounts to be airdropped. See scripts/example_input.csv
for an example. The token amount is a float with 18 decimals (not a WAD).
The results are exported in scripts/merkle-paths-output/
🗿 > tx = geb.contracts.merkleDistributorFactory.deployDistributor("<MERKLE ROOT GENERATED ABOVE>", BigNumber.from("<TOTAL TOKEN AMOUNT GENERATED ABOVE>"))
🗿 > metamask(tx)
🗿 > tx = geb.contracts.merkleDistributorFactory.sendTokensToDistributor(<ID OF THE DISTRIBUTION>)
🗿 > metamask(tx)