An Ansible Role to deploy job templates in Ansible Tower.
Variable Name | Default Value | Required | Description |
tower_url |
"" | yes | URL to the Ansible Tower Server. |
tower_verify_ssl |
False | no | Whether or not to validate the Ansible Tower Server's SSL certificate. |
tower_secrets |
False | yes | Whether or not to include variables stored in vars/tower-secrets.yml. Set this value to False if you will be providing your sensitive values from elsewhere. |
tower_user |
"" | yes | Admin User on the Ansible Tower Server. |
tower_pass |
"" | yes | Tower Admin User's password on the Ansible Tower Server. This should be stored in an Ansible Vault at vars/tower-secrets.yml or elsewhere and called from a parent playbook. |
tower_jt_name |
"" | yes | Name of the job template to create in Ansible Tower. |
tower_jt_desc |
no | Description of the job template to create in Ansible Tower. | |
tower_jt_job_type |
"run" | yes | Type of job template to define in Ansible Tower. Choices are run , check , and scan . |
tower_jt_inventory |
"" | no | Name of the inventory to associate with the job template in Ansible Tower. |
tower_jt_proj |
"" | yes | Name of the project to associate with the job template in Ansible Tower. |
tower_jt_playbook |
"" | yes | Path of the playbook yaml file for the job template to use, relative to its path in the source control project. |
tower_jt_cred |
"" | no | Name of the credential to associate with the job template in Ansible Tower. |
tower_jt_vault_cred |
no | Name of the vault credential to associate with the job template in Ansible Tower. | |
tower_jt_forks |
"0" | no | The number of simultaneous connections to make during a job template execution. "0" is default and picked up from your ansible.cfg. |
tower_jt_limit |
"" | no | Comma separated string of inventory targets to be associated with the job template in Ansible Tower. |
tower_jt_verbosity |
"0" | no | Verbosity level of standard out during a job template execution. Default (normal) is used when not specified. Choices are one of the following integers: 0 - normal, 1 - verbose, 2 - more verbose, 3 - debug, or 4 - connection debug. |
tower_jt_extra_vars_path |
"" | no | Extra variables yaml file for the job template to use. |
tower_jt_job_tags |
"" | no | Comma separated list of job tags to run during execution in the job template's associated playbook. |
tower_jt_force_handlers |
False | no | Whether or not to force playbook handlers to run. |
tower_jt_skip_tags |
"" | no | Comma separated list of job tags to skip during execution in the job template's associated playbook. |
tower_jt_start_at_task |
"" | no | Start at a particular task name in your playbook. |
tower_jt_timeout |
"0" | no | Timout of the playbook run. |
tower_jt_fact_caching |
False | no | Whether or not to use fact caching with this job template. |
tower_jt_host_conf_key |
"" | no | Key to use during provisioning callbacks to this job template. |
tower_jt_ask_diff_mode |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for diff mode. |
tower_jt_ask_extra_vars |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for extra variable definitions. |
tower_jt_ask_limit |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for a job limit. |
tower_jt_ask_tags |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for a list of playbook tags to run. |
tower_jt_ask_skip_tags |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for a list of tags to skip. |
tower_jt_ask_job_type |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch to choose a job run type. |
tower_jt_ask_verbosity |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for a verbosity setting. |
tower_jt_ask_inventory |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for an inventory. |
tower_jt_ask_cred |
False | no | Whether or not to prompt on launch for a credential. |
tower_jt_survey |
False | no | Whether or not to enable a survey on this job template. |
tower_jt_become |
False | no | Whether or not to enable become during job template execution. |
tower_jt_diff_mode |
False | no | Whether or not to enable diff mode on the job template. |
tower_jt_concurrent_jobs |
False | Whether or not to enable simultaneous job runs of this job template. |
- hosts: all
- "vars/myvault.yml"
- role: "genie-job-templates"
tower_url: "https:/"
tower_verify_ssl: False
tower_secrets: False
tower_user: "admin"
tower_pass: "{{ my_tower_vault_pass }}"
tower_jt_name: "My Job Template"
tower_jt_desc: "Deploy my application stack"
tower_jt_job_type: "run"
tower_jt_inventory: "Dev Servers"
tower_jt_proj: "My Cool Code Repository"
tower_jt_playbook: "playbooks/deploy_app_stack.yml"
tower_jt_limit: "App_Servers"