Source code for rubycoloredglasses
Install RBenv
After you've installed RBenv, run the command rbenv install
This blog requires that you install the Bundler gem, and then run
bundle install
to install all needed gem dependencies.
gem install bundler
bundle install
This blog is powered by Jekyll
The configuration for the site are stored in config.yml. See Jekyll Docs - Configuration
You can run jekyll serve
in the terminal, and then visit to preview the site as you
work on it.
Search page is powered by Simple-Jekyll-Search
Due to lack of Jekyll plugin support with Github pages, search.json had to be configured with supported Liquid Template Filters to ensure that the generated JSON used for the search is valid.
- Markdown Cheatsheet
- HTML to Markdown Converter
- MarkdownLint Rules (see config in .markdownlint.json)
Code highlighting is supported by the Rouge gem.
It's recommended that you use Markdown syntax to wrap code examples.
def some_method
puts "this is some method"
See Rouge Wiki - List of supported languages and lexers for reference.
I intend to contribute presentations powered by Reveal.js