This package allows you to produce to flat Ntuples from Delphes PhaseII samples.
If you do not attempt to contribute to this repository, simply clone it:
git clone [email protected]:recotoolsbenchmarks/DelphesNtuplizer.git
If you aim at contributing to the repository, you need to fork this repository (via the fork button) and then clone the forked repository:
git clone [email protected]:YOURGITUSERNAME/DelphesNtuplizer.git
cd DelphesNtuplizer
git remote add upstream [email protected]:recotoolsbenchmarks/DelphesNtuplizer.git
You can then regularly update your fork via:
git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/master
If you want to submit a new feature to recotoolsbenchmarks/DelphesNtuplizer
you have to do it via pull-request (PR):
So, first commit and push your changes to YOURGITUSERNAME/DelphesNtuplizer
and then make a PR via the github interface.
This package requires Delphes to be installed, and CMSSW for gcc, ROOT, FWLite and other dependencies:
cd DelphesNtuplizer
cmsrel CMSSW_10_0_5
cd CMSSW_10_0_5
cd ..
git clone
cd delphes
sed -i -e 's/c++0x/c++1y/g' Makefile
make -j 10
cp ..
Make a dummy test to check Delphes runs properly on GEN-SIM samples (once few events have been processed you can stop processing with CTRL+C):
./DelphesCMSFWLite cards/gen_card.tcl test_gensim.root /eos/cms/store/relval/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre9/RelValZMM_14/GEN-SIM-RECO/PU_112X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D66PU200-v1/00000/d3b9f895-0c25-4171-9c21-d6cc9b365891.root
For producing new validation samples you need to set-up the proper environment
cd CMSSW_10_0_5
cd ../delphes
The Delphes card stored in this repository is configured so that all needed information for validation is available in the Delphes output (gen particles, PF candidates etc ...) As a result, the output size increases substantially compared to normal Delphes samples.
To produce Delphes validation samples run this command (by changing the appropiate input GEN-SIM file of interest):
./DelphesCMSFWLite ../cards/CMS_PhaseII_200PU_Snowmass2021_v0.tcl delphes.root /eos/cms/store/relval/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre9/RelValZMM_14/GEN-SIM-RECO/PU_112X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D66PU200-v1/00000/d3b9f895-0c25-4171-9c21-d6cc9b365891.root
Set up the proper environment:
cd CMSSW_10_0_5
cd ..
The following command will produce a flat Ntuple, with 10 events.
python bin/ -i delphes/delphes.root -o flat_tree.root -n 10