Common gulp tasks.
In gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
gulp.task('default', [ 'test' ]);
Bump version number:
gulp bump:patch
gulp bump:minor
gulp bump:major
Tag the release:
gulp tag:patch
gulp tag:minor
gulp tag:major
Publish to npm:
gulp publish
Bump the version, then tag and publish the release:
gulp release:patch
gulp release:minor
gulp release:major
Tests are assumed to be in the test/unit and test/integration folders.
Run mocha tests:
gulp test
gulp test:unit
gulp test:integration
To watch tests:
gulp test:watch
To override options, in your gulpfile.js, provide an options hash as the second parameter in the setup function call.
require('@recipher/gulp')(gulp, {
'test:unit': {
setup: require('./test/unit/setup')
, 'test:integration': {
setup: require('./test/integration/setup')