Klipper Stack v0.5.0
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Klipper Installation Instructions V0.5.0.pdf
-FullPageOS v0.12.0 → v0.13.0 (https://github.com/guysoft/FullPageOS/releases)
-Klipper v0.11.0 → v0.12.0 (https://www.klipper3d.org/Releases.html)
-Moonraker v0.8.0-121 → v0.8.0-318 (https://moonraker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog/)
-Mainsail v2.6.0 → v2.10.0 (https://github.com/mainsail-crew/mainsail/releases)
Configuration and visual changes:
-Support for exclude_objects (allows removing a model from the gcode mid-print)
-Support for gcode_arcs (G2, G3)
-Added prompt menus for multiple macros to prevent accidental execution and streamline UI processes.
-Change location and visibility of the emergency stop button for tablet layout.
-Added a safe method to mount/unmount a USB drive.
-Added macro to transfer all logs to a USB drive.
-Added NTFS USB format compatibility.
-Pause/resume commands will no longer home the gantry before continuing a print.
-Added descriptions to all macros.
-Added @ and $ keys to the virtual keyboard.
-Added animated splash screen
-Updated fff preheat macros to accurate values
-Updated default.json to current theme settings
-Fixed an issue with the virtual keyboard disappearing after each keystroke.
-Fixed Chromium profile locking on first boot.
-Fixed an issue with save variables not being read for dual extruder offsets
-Fixed conflict with rotation distance being declared based on extrusion type rather than by platform
-Fixed extruder text from showing on the temperature panel
-Fixed update script to retain macros.cfg and wifi_setup.conf to maintain custom changes and wifi settings
-Fixed issue with Chromium not going directly to Mainsail
-Updated installation procedure and scripts.
-Extend update component reach
-Kernel/system upgrade
-File permission and ownership management