Breakout PCB for connecting external stepper/servo motor drivers.
- Takes digital pins from the Archimajor board (3.3V) and shifts voltage (0-50V) according to input using power drivers.
- Maximum of 11 motors: 7 external, 4 TMC5160
- Display reads out supplied voltage for redundency.
- Pinout is simple and single-ended. Assuming motor driver takes step/pulse, direction, and enable. Currently no support for HLFB.
- Extra +5V and +3.3V output pins
- The main purpose of the project is to drive external servo motors, but other digital I/O devices can be used.
- Digital pins are taken from Serial 5V+, SC1, SC2, and step/dir header of the Archimajor board:
- The step/dir header on the archimajor are used for the last four stepper drivers.
- These pins can be reassigned for external motors on the breakout board.
- You cannot simultaneously drive an external motor and use the embedded drivers.
- Design is made to primarily support Teknic Clearpath SD series motors.
Using single-ended connections (will need to invert logic):
- A+ = Digital
- B+ = Digital
- EN+ = Digital
- A- = GND
- B- = GND
- EN- = GND
- Motor1:
- A+ = PA1
- B+ = PC2
- EN+ = PA28
- Motor2:
- A+ = PB13
- B+ = PA0
- EN+ = PB2
- Motor3:
- A+ = PB12
- B+ = PA5
- EN+ = PB25
- Motor4:
- A+ = PB27
- B+ = PA3
- EN+ = PB6
- Motor5:
- A+ = PB8
- B+ = PB22
- EN+ = PB3
- Motor6:
- A+ = PD3
- B+ = PB24
- EN+ = PB26
- Motor7:
- A+ = PA8
- B+ = PA9
- EN+ = PC8
- Motor1: