JSON Schema of the Entire CSS Specification
Open, Free and brought to you by the good people at RCorp.
There is no real specification of all possible CSS properties and all possible CSS values in a machine readable form. We found JSONSchema to be the best standard to specify all these CSS Properties and values.
Off the top of our heads? You could make validators, parsers, learning tools, IDE plugins, autocompletes, Drag n Drop tools, manuals etc etc.!
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
- Gaurav Ramanan @gaurav21r
- Sanjay Chopra @sanjay1432
Coming Soon. Till then, why don't you join the discussion?
This project is principally sponsored by RCorp (Ramanan Corporation). Visit rcorp.co.in to know more about this company.
Sponsorship opportunities Coming Soon!
Uncommercial support is provided by the community through:
Commercial support is provided by RCorp. Please write to [email protected] for general support for css-schema and other Projects.
(c) 2015 RCorp. Code released under the Apache License.