A Docker Image for the jorgebastida/awslogs utility
This is a simple wrapping of the jorgebastida/awslogs utility to install it in an Alpine Docker Image. All credit for the functionality of the tool itself belongs there.
Create an aws_credentials.env file in the directory where you plan to run this tool. You can either clone this repo and build the Docker image or pull directly from Docker Hub. Add your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to the file. When running the container, use the env file to specify your environment for the container.
docker run --env-file aws_credentials.env rbhitchcock/awslogs-cli
For more on how you can use the awslogs utility to parse log data, please visit
jorgebastida/awslogs. By default, running this image
pulls back the last hour of logs from an app
log group with a stream that contains api
in the name.