Monkey has a C-like syntax, supports variable bindings, prefix and infix operators, has first-class and higher-order functions, can handle closures with ease, and has built-in integers, booleans, arrays and hashes.
Based on Thorsten Ball's books and
By Raymond Gan
- Build an interpreter for a C-like programming language from scratch, with NO 3rd party libraries.
- Build a lexer, a parser, and Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). A lexer converts source code to tokens. A parser converts tokens to an Abstract Syntax Tree. Tokens are small, easily categorizable data structures.
- The Pratt parsing technique and a recursive descent parser
- Build a REPL
- Build a tree-walking evaluator
Monkey language:
// Bind values to names with let-statements
let version = 1;
let name = "Monkey programming language";
let myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let coolBooleanLiteral = true;
// Use expressions to produce values
let awesomeValue = (10 / 2) * 5 + 30;
let arrayWithValues = [1 + 1, 2 * 2, 3];
Monkey also supports function literals. We can use them to bind a function to a name:
// Define a `fibonacci` function
let fibonacci = fn(x) {
if (x == 0) {
0 // Monkey supports implicit returning of values
} else {
if (x == 1) {
return 1; // ... and explicit return statements
} else {
fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2); // Recursion! Yay!
Supported data types: booleans, strings, hashes, integers and arrays. We can combine them!
// Here is an array containing two hashes, that use strings as keys and integers
// and strings as values
let people = [{"name": "Anna", "age": 24}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 99}];
// Getting elements out of the data types is also supported.
// Here is how we can access array elements by using index expressions:
// => 5
// We can also access hash elements with index expressions:
let getName = fn(person) { person["name"]; };
// And here we access array elements and call a function with the element as
// argument:
getName(people[0]); // => "Anna"
getName(people[1]); // => "Bob"
In Monkey, functions are first-class citizens, treated like any other value. Thus we can use higher-order functions and pass functions around as values:
// Define the higher-order function `map`, that calls the given function `f`
// on each element in `arr` and returns an array of the produced values.
let map = fn(arr, f) {
let iter = fn(arr, accumulated) {
if (len(arr) == 0) {
} else {
iter(rest(arr), push(accumulated, f(first(arr))));
iter(arr, []);
// Now let's take the `people` array and the `getName` function from above and
// use them with `map`.
map(people, getName); // => ["Anna", "Bob"]
Monkey also supports closures:
// newGreeter returns a new function, that greets a `name` with the given
// `greeting`.
let newGreeter = fn(greeting) {
// `puts` is a built-in function we add to the interpreter
return fn(name) { puts(greeting + " " + name); }
// `hello` is a greeter function that says "Hello"
let hello = newGreeter("Hello");
// Calling it outputs the greeting:
hello("dear, future Reader!"); // => Hello dear, future Reader!
Take the lexer, parser, AST, REPL and object system and use them to build a new, faster implementation of Monkey.
Change its architecture and turn it into a bytecode compiler and virtual machine, from scratch.
Build compiler and VM side-by-side so that we always have a running system to steadily evolve.
Define our own bytecode instructions, specifying their operands and their encoding. Along the way, we also build a mini-disassembler for them.
Write a compiler that takes in a Monkey AST and turns it into bytecode by emitting instructions
At the same time, build a stack-based virtual machine that executes the bytecode in its main loop
build a symbol table and a constant pool
do stack arithmetic
generate jump instructions
build frames into our VM to execute functions with local bindings and arguments!
add built-in functions to the VM
get real closures working in the virtual machine and learn why closure-compilation is so tricky