A simple stopwatch for Python.
Requires Python 3.5+
pip install stopwatch.py
from stopwatch import Stopwatch
# Argument specifies decimal precision for __str__
# e.g 2 digits = 1.00, 3 digits = 1.000
# Optional, defaults to 2
stopwatch = Stopwatch(2) # Start a stopwatch
# It's just math with time.perf_counter() so there isn't really a task
# running in background
stopwatch.stop() # Stop stopwatch, time freezes
stopwatch.start() # Start it again
stopwatch.reset() # Reset it back to 0
stopwatch.restart() # Reset and start again
stopwatch.running # Whether stopwatch is running
stopwatch.duration # Get the duration (in seconds)
str(stopwatch) # Get a friendly duration string