Simple behaviour tree implementation for C#, usable with Unity
Usage (Unity):
SBT.BehaviourTree<GameObject> sbtTest;
GUIStyle style;
void Awake() {
var targetDirections = new[] { Vector3.up, Vector3.right, Vector3.down, Vector3.left };
var targetPos = transform.position;
var targetDirIdx = -1;
var trafficLights = new SBT.BehaviourTree<GameObject>()
.Sequence("sequence traffic lights")
.Do("colorize red", go => Colorize(go,
.Do("colorize yellow", go => Colorize(go, Color.yellow))
.Do("colorize green", go => Colorize(go,
sbtTest = new SBT.BehaviourTree<GameObject>(gameObject)
.Repeat().Sequence("sequence walk around")
.Do("walk to target pos",
go => targetPos = go.transform.position + targetDirections[targetDirIdx = (targetDirIdx + 1) % 4],
go => {
go.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(go.transform.position, targetPos, sbtTest.DeltaTime * 5f);
if ((go.transform.position - targetPos).magnitude < 0.01f) { go.transform.position = targetPos; return Status.Success; }
return Status.Running; })
void Update() {
void OnGUI() {
style ??= new( { richText = true, fontSize = 14 };
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, 1000, 1000), sbtTest.GenerateString(true), style);
void Colorize(GameObject go, Color color) {
Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(color) + ">ColorTest</color> " + name, go);
go.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = color;
Have a look at Example/BehaviourTree.NodePrint.cs to see how to add your own action nodes. To find out how to add composite nodes (like Sequence) and decorator nodes (like Invert), derive from NodeComposite/NodeDecorator instead of just Node and look at the implementation of the standard composite/decorator nodes.
- Do - Execute a generic action
- has several overloads
- for some overloads with the
callback the standard status isfalse
instead oftrue
- Check - Basically the same as Do, but explicitly works as condition
- Fail - Directly fail
- Success - Directly succeed
- Wait - Is running for X seconds (depends on what deltaTime you provide as argument for
- Sequence - Iterate over the children until the child that fails
- Selector - Iterate over the children until the child that succeeds
- Parallel - Execute all the children at once until one of them fails or all of them succeed
- Race - Execute all the children at once until one of them succeeds or all of them fail
- RandomSelector - Randomly select a child and execute it
Composite nodes always need a call to End() in the hierarchy (see example above).
- Invert - Invert the child's
, if it's not running - Override - Override the child's
, if it's not running - Repeat - Repeat the child until its
- Retry - Repeat the child until its