HTML preprocessor for Once CSS framework
Once Preprocessor is an HTML preprocessor that generates atomic CSS styles for you. Idea is to use atomic class markup in HTML templates and preprocessor compiles the templates in background.
We have the following breakpoints: xs: 320px and sm: 480px.
In this use case <div class="xs(right)sm(left)">This div is created for example.</div>
will be compiled to <div class="xs-right sm-left">This div is created for example.</div>
and the specific css markup would be:
@media screen and (min-width: 320px) {
float: right;
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
float: left;
Clone Once Preprocessor to your desired location:
git clone destination/
Download & install Node.js
Move to the project folder
Run: npm install (use sudo if you get errors without it)
Type: npm start
Open project with your favourite editor
Start coding