- ID: ID number of customers.
- Warehouse block: The company has a big warehouse that is divided into blocks (A-E).
- Mode of shipment: The company ships the products in multiple ways (Ship, Flight, and Road).
- Customer care calls: The number of calls made from inquiries for inquiries of the shipment.
- Customer rating: Rate from each customer. 1 is the lowest, and 5 is the highest.
- Cost of the product: Cost of the product in US Dollars.
- Prior purchases: The number of previous purchases.
- Product importance: The company has categorized the product in various parameters (low, medium, high).
- Gender: Male and female.
- Discount offered: Discount offered on that specific product.
- Weight in gms: The weight in grams.
- Reached on time: 1 indicates that the product has not arrived on time, and 0 indicates the product has arrived on time.
- Background
- Analysis Objectives
- Project Scope
- Data Sources
Environment Setup
- Python Installation and Required Libraries
Data Collection
- Data Collection Methods
- Initial Exploration Process
Data Cleaning
- Detection and Handling of Missing Values
- Detection and Handling of Outliers
- Data Transformation
Data Exploration
- Descriptive Statistics
- Data Visualization
Hypothesis Test and Data Analysis
link Tableau: Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/rangga.a7877/viz/Capstone2_17176133222040/Dashboard2?publish=yes Story: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/rangga.a7877/viz/Capstone2_17176133222040/Story12?publish=yes