ASOCA Evaluation
The source code for the evaluation container for ASOCA,
- NRRD format (Nearly raw raster data, used to store medical images), available on most medical imaging software and programming languages. On python using the pynrrd library is recomendded (
- Compressed Numpy arrays (NPZ format), using numpy.savez_compressed(filename, imagearray).
To submit predictions:
- Create one file for each case, name each file based on the case number (e.g. 0.nrrd, 1.nrrd,...19.nrrd)
- We expect exactly 20 predictions to be submitted, wrong number of prediction files or an entirely empty file will result in an error.
- A value of 0 is assumed to indicate the background and 1 to indicate the vessels.
- Create a zip archive of all 20 predicitons
- Go to -> Create Challenge Submission and upload the archive.