This repo aims to provide a systematic and structured flow of data
processing by providing a single entrypoint (
) for all the stored
Every job module must be located inside src/jobs
and can be run via
make build
cd dist
spark-submit --py-files --job <jobName>
PySpark provides multiple ways to manage package Python dependencies making them available inside jobs. Please visit the Python Package Management site for more details.
However, I find the Virtualenv approach the most straightforward.
Say you have a virtualenv my-env
created with python3 -m venv my-env
you can package and save it to hdfs with
source my-env/bin/activate
pip3 install venv-pack
venv-pack -o my-env.tar.gz
hdfs dfs -put -f my-env.tar.gz <destination>
where <destination>
can be, for example, /shared/python-envs
Then, use the --archives
option in the spark-submit
to make your virtual
environment avaibale within your jobs,
spark-submit \
--conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python \
--archives spark.yarn.dist.archives=hdfs:///shared/python-envs/my-env.tar.gz#environment \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \ --job <jobName>
--conf spark.yarn.dist.archives
can be used instead of --archives
PySpark jobs must be python modules exposing the
run(spark: SparkSession, **kwargs)
module will then try to import this function under the
specified job module using the importlib
library. This logic is depicted
in the following code,
import importlib
jobArgs = {...}
jobName = "my-job"
jobModule = importlib.import_module(f"jobs.{jobName}"), **jobArgs)