A simple library which uses the browsers native HTML5 Web Audio API to create visual effects.
<div class="audio__container">
<audio src="source.ogg" id="myAudio" ></audio>
<script src="audioAnalyzer.js"></script>
audioAnalyzer(selector, options)
A selector can be a string(id or class) or an audio node.
audioAnalyzer("#myAudio", {
count: 100,
// Number of bars to be shown in the canvas
spacing: 2,
// Spacing between individual bars
targetEl: el,
// A target html element to append the canvas
// If not specified, canvas is appended as sibling to audio element
color: '#00adef',
// Color of bars or wave, can also be an array of colors
visual: 'frequencybars',
// Bars('frequencybars') or waves('sinewave')
callback: function(analyzer) {
// The callback function is called after the analyzer is initialized
// Returns an object with methods that work on the analyzer
// More on return object below
Return object:
If a CSS class selector is passed as an argument, then an array of audioAnalyzer objects is returned
callback: function(analyzer) {
// The audio DOM element
// Setter and getter for color, can also be an array of colors
// Setter and getter for visual type
Note: All the music files are used for demonstration purpose only, not with any other intention!
Released under GNU GPL v3.0