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Courses Service

How to run

Build Docker Image first

Run docker build command:

docker build -t -f deploy/build/Dockerfile --build-arg APP_CONF=config/prod.yml --build-arg  APP_RELATIVE_PATH=./cmd/server/...  .

Using Docker Compose to run the service

docker compose -f deploy/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml up -d

After few mins, the demo-api will up

API Specification

List Courses

URL: GET /courses


  "code": 0,
  "message": "ok",
  "data": [
      "courseId": "CS101",
      "name": "Intro to Computer Science",
      "lessons": 24
      "courseId": "CS102",
      "name": "Intro to Computer Science 2",
      "lessons": 24
      "courseId": "MATH255",
      "name": "Calculus I",
      "lessons": 10
      "courseId": "PHYS150",
      "name": "General Physics",
      "lessons": 15

Sign Up Courses

URL: POST /students/:studentEmail/courses


name location descriptions
studentEmail Parameters The id of the student
courseId Body The id of the course



  "code": 0,
  "message": "ok",
  "data": {
    "studentId": "[email protected]",
    "courseId": "CS102"

Error: 409, 500

  "code": 409,
  "message": "Status Conflict",
  "data": "Student has already signed up for this course."

Delete Signed Courses

URL: DELETE /students/:studentEmail/courses/:courseId


name location descriptions
studentEmail Parameters The id of the student
courseId Parameter The id of the course



  "code": 0,
  "message": "ok"

Error: 404, 500

  "code": 404,
  "message": "Resource Not Found",
  "data": "Error deleting signed up courses"

Get My Courses

URL: GET /students/:studentEmail/courses


name location descriptions
studentEmail Parameters The id of the student



  "code": 0,
  "message": "ok",
  "data": [
      "courseId": "CS102",
      "name": "Intro to Computer Science 2",
      "lessons": 24

Error: 500

  "code": 500,
  "message": "Internal Server Error",
  "data": "Error Internal Server Error"

Get My Course Classmates

URL: GET /students/:studentEmail/courses/:courseId/classmates


name location descriptions
studentEmail Parameters The id of the student
courseId Parameter The id of the course



  "code": 0,
  "message": "ok",
  "data": [
      "studentId": "[email protected]",
      "courseId": "CS102"
      "studentId": "[email protected]",
      "courseId": "CS102"
      "studentId": "[email protected]",
      "courseId": "CS102"

Error: 500

  "code": 500,
  "message": "Internal Server Error",
  "data": "Error deleting signed up courses"

Unit Tests

I used MockGen for mocking and use the included test framework for testing, all mocked functions are located under /test/mocks/.

Handler Layer Tests

Get function Example codes:

func TestCourseHandler_List(t *testing.T) {
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)

	defer ctrl.Finish()

	courseService := mock_service.NewMockCourseService(ctrl)
	courseService.EXPECT().ListCourses(gomock.Any()).Return(nil, nil)

	coursesHandler := handler.NewCourseHandler(hdl, courseService)

	router.GET("/courses", coursesHandler.ListCourses)

	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/courses", nil)

	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()

	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, http.StatusOK)

POST function Example codes:

func TestCourseHandler_SignUp(t *testing.T) {
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)

	defer ctrl.Finish()

	params := v1.SignUpRequest{
		CourseID: "CS101",

	courseService := mock_service.NewMockCourseService(ctrl)
	courseService.EXPECT().IfCourseExists(gomock.Any(), "CS101").Return(true, nil)
	courseService.EXPECT().SignUpCourse(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), "CS101").Return(&model.Enrollment{
		StudentID: "[email protected]",
		CourseID:  "CS101",
	}, nil)

	coursesHandler := handler.NewCourseHandler(hdl, courseService)

	router.POST("/students/:studentEmail/courses", coursesHandler.SignUpCourse)

	paramsJson, _ := json.Marshal(params)

	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/students/[email protected]/courses", bytes.NewBuffer(paramsJson))

	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()

	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, http.StatusOK)

Service Layer Tests

func TestUserService_GetSignedUpCourses(t *testing.T) {
	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer ctrl.Finish()

	mockCourseRepo := mock_repository.NewMockCourseRepository(ctrl)
	mockEnrollmentRepo := mock_repository.NewMockEnrollmentRepository(ctrl)
	srv := service.NewService(logger)

	courseService := service.NewCourseService(srv, mockCourseRepo, mockEnrollmentRepo)

	ctx := context.Background()

	mockCourseRepo.EXPECT().ListSignedUpCourses(ctx, "[email protected]").Return(nil, nil)

	_, err := courseService.GetSignedUpCourses(ctx, "[email protected]")

	assert.NoError(t, err)

Test Coverage

In terms of time, I've just finished unit testing for each layer, coverage is not 100%, but just need more time to write more test cases. Here are the basic test results:

go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... && go tool cover -html=coverage.out

	course-sign-up/api/v1		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/cmd/server		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/internal/model		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/internal/handler		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/internal/repository		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/internal/server		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/pkg/http		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/internal/service		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/pkg/config		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/test/mocks/repository		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/pkg/helper/resp		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/pkg/log		coverage: 0.0% of statements
	course-sign-up/test/mocks/service		coverage: 0.0% of statements
ok  	course-sign-up/test/server/handler	0.164s	coverage: 30.4% of statements
ok  	course-sign-up/test/server/service	0.269s	coverage: 22.8% of statements

Load Tests

Before pushing service to the production, we need do load tests and stress tests on staging env. I choose using k6/http to test the service. the test file locates on test/load


k6 run test/load/http_post.js


     scenarios: (100.00%) 1 scenario, 10 max VUs, 1m30s max duration (incl. graceful stop):
              * default: 10 looping VUs for 1m0s (gracefulStop: 30s)

INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS102"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS101"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS103"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS104"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS104"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS103"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS103"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS103"}}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0000] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS101"}}  source=console
INFO[0001] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0001] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS102"}}  source=console
INFO[0001] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS104"}}  source=console
INFO[0001] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS104"}}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS102"}}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS102"}}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS103"}}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS102"}}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0002] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS104"}}  source=console
INFO[0003] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS101"}}  source=console
INFO[0003] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0003] {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"studentId":"[email protected]","courseId":"CS104"}}  source=console
INFO[0003] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
INFO[0003] {"code":409,"message":"Status Conflict","data":"Student has already signed up for this course."}  source=console
 ✗ is status 200
      ↳  12% — ✓ 40 / ✗ 278
     ✗ response body contains courseId
      ↳  0% — ✓ 0 / ✗ 318

     checks.........................: 6.28%  ✓ 40       ✗ 596
     data_received..................: 71 kB  1.5 kB/s
     data_sent......................: 61 kB  1.3 kB/s
     http_req_blocked...............: avg=50.13µs min=1µs     med=7µs    max=1.58ms  p(90)=15µs     p(95)=17.14µs
     http_req_connecting............: avg=17.22µs min=0s      med=0s     max=627µs   p(90)=0s       p(95)=0s
     http_req_duration..............: avg=8.3ms   min=3.91ms  med=7.12ms max=36.34ms p(90)=10.35ms  p(95)=11.74ms
       { expected_response:true }...: avg=14.07ms min=5.34ms  med=8.93ms max=36.34ms p(90)=34.6ms   p(95)=34.67ms
     http_req_failed................: 87.42% ✓ 278      ✗ 40
     http_req_receiving.............: avg=89.95µs min=9µs     med=83µs   max=335µs   p(90)=152.29µs p(95)=180.44µs
     http_req_sending...............: avg=52.46µs min=12µs    med=46µs   max=332µs   p(90)=79.3µs   p(95)=90.44µs
     http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s      min=0s      med=0s     max=0s      p(90)=0s       p(95)=0s
     http_req_waiting...............: avg=8.16ms  min=3.86ms  med=7.03ms max=36.2ms  p(90)=10.16ms  p(95)=11.54ms
     http_reqs......................: 318    6.664265/s
     iteration_duration.............: avg=1.52s   min=35.65ms med=1.48s  max=3s      p(90)=2.65s    p(95)=2.87s
     iterations.....................: 308    6.454697/s
     vus............................: 10     min=10     max=10
     vus_max........................: 10     min=10     max=10

running (0m47.7s), 00/10 VUs, 308 complete and 10 interrupted iterations
default ✗ [=============================>--------] 10 VUs  0m47.7s/1m0s

TODO Feature

Security issue

We need to authenticate the user so that if they change the :studentEmail in the url, they can view other courses. Therefore, it's a good idea to introduce Auth middleware to check if someone has permission to view the requested resource.

Pagination Response

If courses number goes up to 50, can pagination the get courses and list classmates API.

Use Redis

Can load courses infos in Redis when server setup.

Use Redis + Message Queue

If the course has a seating limit, you can use redis and message queues to handle concurrent requests.

Swagger Inline Documentation

Can use inline codes auto generate API documentation, so when codes review it only review codes itself, but also can review the documentation.


// courses godoc
// @Summary List Course
// @Schemes
// @Description List all courses
// @Tags List Courses
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param request body v1.RegisterRequest true "params"
// @Success 200 {object} v1.Response
// @Router /courses [get]


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