WExDA is a web based data exploration tool primarily useful for data preperation/ data analysis stage. This automates the EDA via web ui and is built using streamlit
Go to https://wexda.herokuapp.com/ and start using ;)
- upload csv files upto 200MB
- describe data set
- find missing values
- find unique values and its count
- plot data via scatter, bar and pair plots
- plot correlation matrix in heatmap style
- One click pandas profiling (new feature🤳)
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Rahul Raj (view)
- Some code snippets are borrowed from https://www.kaggle.com/pmarcelino/comprehensive-data-exploration-with-python/notebook
- Documentation at https://www.streamlit.io/
- Author: Rahul Raj
- Contact: twitter.com/@rahulrajpl