- Check the validity of a given template bank using a reference population of simulated CBC signals.
- Different approximants for templates and signals are supported -- Only aligned-spin templates supported at the moment -- Eccentric and precessing signals
- Handles large template bank and signal population with ease -- Parallelization using PyCBC workflows implemented via the Pegasus API -- Support for launching multiple workflows in parallel
Table of Contents
- Banksim for simulated signals from compact binary mergers
- Requirements
- Running the code * Generating the workflow - Submitting the workflow - Consolidating the results
For installation please visit the link https://pycbc.org/
Generate a template bank using either a lattice based or stochastic placement algorithm. For more details visit http://pycbc.org/pycbc/latest/html/tmpltbank.html
The template bank should be an HDF file and must contain the following parameters
Parameter | Key |
primary mass | mass1 |
secondary mass | mass2 |
z component of spin-1 | spin1z |
z component of spin-2 | spin2z |
eccentricity at a reference freq | eccentricity |
mean anomaly parameter | long_asc_nodes |
chirp time | tau0 |
chirp time | tau3 |
The template bank must be sorted in increasing values of tau0
To generate the injections please visit http://pycbc.org/pycbc/latest/html/inference/examples/bbh.html
Injection parameters for all signals must be stored in a single HDF file. The injection file must contain the following parameters in addition to the template bank parameters
Parameter | Key |
x component of spin-1 | spin1x |
y component of spin-1 | spin1y |
x component of spin-2 | spin2x |
y component of spin-2 | spin2y |
eccentricity at a reference freq | eccentricity |
mean anomaly parameter | long_asc_nodes |
inclination of the orbit | inclination |
polarization | polarization |
distance to the source | distance |
right ascention of the orbit | ra |
source declination | dec |
Make sure the injection files contain the tau0 and tau3 parameters
Example PSD files can be generated via http://pycbc.org/pycbc/latest/html/psd.html Current support only for a PSD file and not ASD.
Once the template bank, injections and PSD files are ready, lastly, we need to set up the configuration file. An example_workflow.ini is provided with the code.
First change the path to the executable from [executables] section.
There are three important sections in the configuration
Sections | Purpose |
[Files] | Contains the full path to the input files |
[Required] | Control the number of processes or workflows to split the analysis into. |
[FF] | Arguments that are passed to the fitting-factor computation |
tau0_tolerance -- Reduce the number of templates for the match calculation by comparing the tau0s of the injection and templates; it can be expected that the best matching template will have a tau0 close to the injection's. To allow some mismatch, we implement a tolerance on this value. A higher tolerance will incorporate more templates in the analysis.
nsplits -- Split the match computation of one signal into these many procecesses.
nworkflow -- Split the injections into multiple workflows. A value of 1 is recommended unless the template bank and no. of injections are very large.
- approximant_tb and approximant_sg -- Approximants for the templates and signals respectively. Note only aligned spin templates are supported.
- HMs (Only for signals) -- Switch on-off the higher-modes of gravitaional wave. Provide 0 for no HMs and 1 to include HMs
- sampling_freq and sampling_rate -- Provide the values ensuring the Nyquist criterion requirements.
- detector -- Choose a single detector from ['H1', 'L1', 'V1']
- f_min -- Low frequency cutoff for the match computation
This primarily involves three steps -- generating the workflow, submitting the workflow and consolidating the results.
Navigate to the codebase directory and make subdirectory. This will be the top level directory for the analysis.
Open the gen.sh file and change the current working dir. The path will be the codebase directory in your local machine.
Change first and last -- corresponding to the indices of the injections analyzed from [first .... last] from the injection file.
Change the workflow_config
Execute the workflow generation using
./gen.sh sub_directory/
Navigate to the sub-directory and launch the submit.sh and provide the number of workflows (usually 1).
./submit.sh 1
After all the jobs are finished, launch the combine_FFs.py and provide number of injections and no. of splits for each injection.
python combine_FFs.py 10 10