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Enumeration of all Permutations (Recursion, Single Swap, and in Lexicographic Order), and Combinations. Enumeration of all Topological Orderings on a Directed Graph. Enumeration of all Paths in a connected Graph. Evaluates Critical Path using PERT Algorithm.


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# Long Project LP4: PERT, Enumeration of Topological Orders 

# Team: LP101 
 * Rahul Nalawade ( 
   [email protected] 

 * Prateek Sarna (  
   [email protected] 

 * Bhavish Khanna Narayanan ( 
   [email protected] 
# End Date: 
 * Sunday, November 25, 2018


1. Implement Enumeration of Permutations and Combinations in 
   It also contains methods for other Enumeration problem which is optional 
   for implementation.

2. Implement Enumeration of all Topological Orders of a given directed graph in 

3. Implement PERT algorithm with all the methods in 
   1. G = (V,E), G must be a DAG 
   2. duration(u) = {0, 1, 2, ...}, where u is a node (task) in V. 
   1. Critical Path Length (Minimum time to complete Project)
   2. slack(u): Slack available for each node (task)
   3. EC(u): Earliest Completion Time for each node
   4. LC(u): Latest Completion Time for each node

   * Implement PERT algorithm by computing all the necessary output values.
   * Run PERT algorithm on graph g. Assume that vertex 1 is s and vertex n is t.
   * You need to add edges from s to all vertices and from all vertices to t.
   public static PERT pert(Graph g, int[] duration) {...}

   // non-static method called after calling the constructor
   public boolean pert();

   The following methods can be called to query the results, after running one 
   of the above methods:

   public int ec(Vertex u);            // Earliest completion time of u
   public int lc(Vertex u);            // Latest completion time of u
   public int slack(Vertex u);         // Slack of u
   public int criticalPath();          // Length of critical path
   public boolean critical(Vertex u);  // Is vertex u on a critical path?
   public int numCritical();           // Number of critical nodes in graph


   - T[] arr: Array of elements on which enumeration is to be done.
     n = arr.length
   - k: number of elements to be selected (default = n). E.g nPk or nCk.  
   - count: counts the number of times visit has been called based on the 
   - Responsible for selection and de-selection (backtracking) of an 
   element based on certain precedence constraints coded in select() and 
   unselect() methods respectively.
   - visit() is called by non-static visit() to print the k elements in the
   A. permute(c): recursive method to visit all valid permutations, where c 
   is number of elements yet to visit.
   B. combine(i, c): recursive method to visit all valid combinations, where
   c is the number of element we need to choose from arr[i...n-1].
   C. heap(g): recursive method to visit all permutations by a single swap 
   from previous permutation, where first g elements are not frozen, i.e. 
   arr[g...n-1] are frozen, and arr[0..g-1] can only be changed.
   D. algorithmL(Comparator c): Knuth's L Algorithm based on Comparator c. 
   - print: boolean if true prints all enumerations, else no printing.
   - selector: Approver of EnumerateTopological itself.
   - Vertex[] A: array of vertices in the Graph.
   SELECTOR extended from APPROVER<T>
   - select(u): selects u, if it has inDegrees = 0.
   - unselect(u): do v.inDegrees++, where edge e = (u,v) exists. 
   A. initialize(): initializes get(u).inDegrees = u.inDegree for all u.
   B. enumerateTopological(): based on selector, enumerates all 
   permutations using permute() from Enumerate.
   Returns count of enumerations from Enumerate itself.
   Counting and Enumerating Topological Orders uses the same algorithm.

   - duration: duration of this vertex
   - slack: slack available for this vertex
   - earliestCT: earliest completion time (EC) for this vertex
   - latestCT: latest completion time (LC) for this vertex
   A. initialize(): add edges from source (first vertex) to all vertices, 
   and all vertices to the sink (last vertex).
   B. pert(): Implements PERT by computing slack, EC, LC for all vertices.
   Returns true if Graph is not a DAG, false otherwise.
   NOTE: it uses a topological order from  

# Enumerate:
  $java rsn170330.Enumerate

Permutations: 4 3
1 2 3 
1 2 4 
1 3 2 
4 1 3 
4 1 2 
Count: 24
Combinations: 4 3
1 2 3 
1 2 4 
1 3 4 
2 3 4 
Count: 4
Heap Permutations: 4
1 2 3 4 
2 1 3 4 
3 1 2 4 
3 2 4 1 
2 3 4 1 
Count: 24
Algorithm L Permutations: 
1 2 2 3 3 4 
1 2 2 3 4 3 
1 2 2 4 3 3 
4 3 3 2 1 2 
4 3 3 2 2 1 
Count: 180

# Enumerate Topological: 
$ java rsn170330.EnumerateTopological 0 rsn170330/lp4-test/enumtop-t08.txt 

| File        |   |V| |E|  |  Output  | Time (mSec) | Memory (used/avail) |
| enumtop-t01 |        7 6 |      105 |           2 |       1 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t02 |        8 9 |      280 |           4 |       1 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t03 |       8 11 |      118 |           3 |       1 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t04 |      10 30 |       20 |           2 |       1 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t05 |     20 100 |     3864 |          14 |       3 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t06 |     30 300 |   107136 |          60 |       7 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t07 |     40 500 |    38052 |          31 |       5 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t08 |     50 800 |  6193152 |        1390 |       7 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t09 |     50 900 |   552960 |         653 |       4 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t10 |   100 4000 |    29160 |         612 |      12 MB / 117 MB |
| enumtop-t11 |  200 18000 |   768000 |        2512 |      22 MB / 147 MB |

  |V|: Number of Vertices in the Graph
  |E|: Number of Edges in the Graph
  Output: Total number of all valid permutations of Topological Orderings

Refer Results/lp4-enumtop.txt as obtained from 
$ ./ > lp4-enumtop.txt

# PERT: 
$ java rsn170330.PERT false rsn170330/lp4-test/pert-t04.txt

| File      |   |V| |E|   |   Output  | Time (mSec) | Memory (used/avail) |
| pert-t01  |     102 300 |    183 20 |           5 |       2 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t02  |     52 1200 |     98 52 |           6 |       4 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t03  |    102 1000 |     97 34 |           5 |       4 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t04  |     502 675 |     89 64 |           9 |       3 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t05  |   1002 1166 |     61 46 |          12 |       5 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t06  |    502 6000 |    596 57 |          12 |      16 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t07  |    502 6000 |     84 65 |          11 |      16 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t08  |   1002 6000 |     99 26 |          12 |      17 MB / 117 MB |
| pert-t09  |   1002 6000 |    323 42 |          14 |      17 MB / 117 MB |
  Output: x y
  x: Minimum Time needed to complete the Project/ Critical Path Length
  y: Number of Critical Nodes in the Graph

Refer Results/lp4-pert.txt as obtained from 
$ ./ > lp4-pert.txt

- Time and Memory might change, as you run the test the program on a 
  different system, but they could be comparable to the above values.
  Existing Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz × 8
  Memory: 7.5 GiB
- consist of extended version of this project where 
  all paths from source (first vertex) to sink (last vertex) could be 
  enumerated using two algorithms - with and without Selector/ Approver.
  NOTE: It uses VertexStack<T> of itself instead of java Stack.


1. Extract the 

2. Compile: 
   $ javac rsn170330/*.java

3. Run: 
  $ java rsn170330.Enumerate n k
  where combinations = nCk, permutations = nPk, i.e. 
  n :- number of distinct elements
  k :- number of elements to choose from n
  NOTE: by default n = 4, k = 3 
  [b] EnumerateTopological:
  $ java rsn170330.EnumerateTopological [arg0] [arg1]
  $ java rsn170330.EnumerateTopological 0 rsn170330/lp4-test/enumtop-t08.txt 
  [arg0] :- true for verbose i.e. to print all topological orders, otherwise no 
     enumeration of topological orders
  [arg1] :- file containing the graph 
  NOTE: by default, verbose = false and it has a simple graph in it's main()
  [c] EnumeratePath:
  $ java rsn170330.EnumeratePath [arg0] [arg1]
  $ java rsn170330.EnumeratePath 1 
  [arg0] :- true for verbose i.e. to print all paths, otherwise no enumeration of 
  [arg1] :- file containing the graph. 
  NOTE: by default, verbose = false and it has a simple graph in it's main()
  [d] PERT:
  $ java rsn170330.PERT [arg0] [arg1]
  $ java rsn170330.PERT false rsn170330/lp4-test/pert-t04.txt 
  [arg0] :- true for details i.e. to print the PERT chart, otherwise no chart
  [arg1] :- file containing the graph. 
  NOTE: by default, details = false and it has a simple graph in it's main()
NOTE: the current directory must contain rbk directory with rbk/


Enumeration of all Permutations (Recursion, Single Swap, and in Lexicographic Order), and Combinations. Enumeration of all Topological Orderings on a Directed Graph. Enumeration of all Paths in a connected Graph. Evaluates Critical Path using PERT Algorithm.








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