GodExpo is a God Struct smell detector for Golang.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Golang must be installed (>= v1.10). To install golang in ubuntu run-
sudo apt-get install golang
At first, download the project-
git clone https://github.com/rafed123/GodExpo
Navigate to the source files
cd GodExpo/app/
Build the project with
or (Project must be in $GOPATH)
go build -o godExpo
You can now run the tool on go projects to-
- Show struct summary
- Find God Structs
- Show evolution of god structs
- Set custom thresholds for metric calculations
./godExpo -f path_to_file.go
Sample output-
./godExpo -d path_to_directory/
Sample output-
./godExpo -e path_to_directory/
- Directory should have different versions of a project
Sample output-
Set custom WMC
./godExpo -wmc 50 -d path_to_directory/
Set custom ATFD
./godExpo -atfd 10 -d path_to_directory/
Set custom TCC
./godExpo -tcc 0.5 -d path_to_directory/
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.