Instead of making your google spreadsheet open to anyone like other services, this api allows only you to read and write in your document.
First, you need to create an account in Google Cloud and then create project and request access to Google Drive API.
Follow instructions in this video to download a json file name client_secret.json
with your credentials.
Paste the client_secret.json
file in the main folder.
In this file, grab the email after client_email
key and share your spreadsheet with it with Editor permission
- fastapi
- uvicorn
- pydantic
- gspread
- gspread_dataframe
- oauth2client
- pandas
Run this to install all dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the webserver, run this command inside the source path
uvicorn main:app --reload
When running in your machine, it starts a local server in localhost:8000
When running the server, you can view the api docs in {server_name}/docs e g. localhost:8000/docs
Path parameters: URL/{sheet_id}/{worksheet_name}
sheet_id: (required) the id of the spreadsheet (it is in the url of the spreadsheet)
worksheet_name: (required) the name of the worksheet you are reading
Query paramenters: URL/{sheet_id}/{worksheet_name}?query={query}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}
query: (optional) to perform simple filters in your GET request
e g.
name == "steve"
country != "usa"
age > 40
AND: name == "steve" & age < 40
OR name == "steve" | age < 40
IN year in [2015, 2020]
limit: (optional) limits the number of records. Default = 50
offset: (optional) offset the first shown record. Defatul = 0
Path parameters: URL/{sheet_id}/{worksheet_name}
sheet_id: (required) the id of the spreadsheet (it is in the url of the spreadsheet)
worksheet_name: (required) the name of the worksheet you are reading
Request body:
array with records in format {key1:value1, key2: value2}
. The keys must match the columns names of the worksheet
e g.
To insert 2 records
[ {"first_name":"John", "last_name":"Doe", "age": 35}, {"first_name":"Jane", "last_name":"Doe", "age": 30}, ]
Path parameters: URL/{sheet_id}/{worksheet_name}
sheet_id: (required) the id of the spreadsheet (it is in the url of the spreadsheet)
worksheet_name: (required) the name of the worksheet you are reading
Request body:
This will update the line where id == 123
to name -> Jonny
and email -> [email protected]
"item_value":"[email protected]"
WARNING: if the filter returns more than 1 line, all the lines filtered will be updated
Path parameters: URL/{sheet_id}/{worksheet_name}
sheet_id: (required) the id of the spreadsheet (it is in the url of the spreadsheet)
worksheet_name: (required) the name of the worksheet you are reading
Query paramenters: URL/{sheet_id}/{worksheet_name}?filter_key={filter_key}&filter_value={filter_value}
filter_key: (required) name of the column you want to filter
filter_value: (required) value you want to filter
Example: To delete all lines with id==123
filter_key: "id"
filter_value: "123"
WARNING: if the filter returns more than 1 line, all the lines filtered will be deleted