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🌱 Radicle Cloud ☁️

This repository includes the operator and the contracts you need to become a service provider for Radicle seed nodes.


You can deploy ETH and ERC-20 based contracts located inside contract and then point your operator to your deployed contract. An example script is provided for you in which deploys EthRadicleCloud.sol to Arbitrum Rinkeby Testnet. You can change network by changing ETH_RPC_URL. You must have installed.

IMPORTANT: replace ETH_FROM with your own wallet and make sure the key can be found in your local keystore. If you want to import a private key, use:

$ geth account import /path/to/private-key

Finally, make CONTRACT_ADDRESS point to your own deployed contract in .env.operator.

Deploy Operator

You can deploy operator with Ansible after filling in your .env.operator, which you can sample from .env.sample.


Generate an SSH key for your operator, if you already don't have one, with:

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519): cloud-operator
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in cloud-operator.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:... user@host
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|                 |
|                 |
|       ...       |

Upload the pub key to your cloud, e.g. Hetzner and add the name (HETNZER_SSH_NAME) to your .env.operator file.


Make sure your private SSH key can be found locally in ~/.ssh/local_ssh_name and that LOCAL_SSH_PATH in .env.operator file matches:

# .env.operator (truncated)


$ ansible-playbook ansible/deploy-operator.yml [email protected], --private-key=~/.ssh/key-to-server --extra-vars="local_ssh_name=cloud-operator db_name=radicle db_user=postgres db_password=postgres"


Name Description
HETNZER_TOKEN Hetzner Cloud API Token
HETNZER_SSH_NAME Name of the SSH Key you created in your Hetzner Console
LOCAL_SSH_PATH Path where operator can access SSH Key which is in cloud as well e.g. ~/.ssh/cloud-operator
POSTGRES Postgres connection URL e.g. postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/radicle
CONTRACT_L2_WSS e.g. wss:// (if you're not on L2, just use same value as L1)
CONTRACT_L1_WSS e.g. wss:// (needed even if you're on L2)
CONTRACT_ADDRESS Address of the contract that you've deployed e.g. 0x...
RAD_SUBGRAPH Corresponds to --subgraph when running org-node
RAD_RPC_URL Corresponds to --rpc-url when running org-node
CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN Cloudflare API Token with DNS access
CLOUDFLARE_DOMAIN Domain on Cloudflare which will be used to give out FQDNs e.g. domain.tld