This generates a packet definitions JSON/YAML file that can be used in the ground station or other internal apps that parse pod packets.
- Add/edit packet defintions in the packets/ directory.
python rloopDefinitionApp
with the virtual environment active.- Grab the output files in output/ and push changes to Git.
- Ensure that you have eng-software-pod one folder up from this repo.
- Python
- Version 3.
- PEP8
- --ignore=
- --max-line-length=120
- Python
- 4 spaces.
- YAML, Markdown
- 2 spaces.
- All
- Single newline at the end of file.
- TODO: See what else can be decided upon by the team.
packets/ # Node folder container
node.yml # Packet definitions split by node
output/ # Persistent data folder
file_sums.json # Checksums of pod files.
gs_definitions.json # JSON formatted file for the ground station.
gs_definitions.yml # YAML formatted file for the ground station.
packet_definitions_v2.json # Machine friendly combined defintions file.
packet_definitions_human_readable_v2.json # Human friendly combined defintions file.
packet_definitions_v2.yml # Final combined defintions file.
# Variables to substitute in [optional]
nodeName: 'A'
# Node name
node: 'Imaginary Node {nodeName}'
# Source code files that correspond to packet transmissions.
# These files checksums will be calculated and saved to file_sums.json in the output folder.
# This is so we can automate the process of knowing if anything in the transmission code has changed.
# Imaginary packet types are in here.
# Moon data.
# List of all the packets that file serves.
# Normal Packet
- packetName: 'Imaginary {nodeName} Moon Distance'
packetType: 0x1337 # Aqquired from pod code
prefix: 'Imaginary {nodeName} Moon ' # Prefix for parameters
description: 'An optional description of this packet.'
friendlyName: 'Imaginary {nodeName} Moon Distance' # Defaults to packetName if not set.
senders: # List of senders of this packet.
- IN
receivers: # List of recievers of this packet.
- GS
- name: 'Distance'
type: 'int64' # [u]int[8,16,32,64], float[32,64]
units: 'km' # Units to show on the frontend, defaults to ''
# Ground Station specific loop:
# Only for use at the end of packets.
beginLoop: false # optional, defaults to false
endLoop: false # optional, defaults to false
# Generator specific iteration settings
# Sets variable {i} in templates to the iteration count.
# Iterates from (start, end) inclusive unless flagged.
start: 0 # defaults to 0
end: 8 # required, end of iteration
inclusive: false # defaults to true
beginGroup: true # optional, marks the start of a packet group
endGroup: false # optional, marks the end of a packet group
# DAQ Packet
- packetName: 'IMAGINARY DAQ {nodeName} DISTANCE'
packetType: 0x1337
daq: # This has to be defined to make the packet a DAQ packet.
type: 'int64' # [u]int[8,16,32,64], float[32,64]
# Explicit interpreter choice to ensure that our default interpreter is python3.
virtualenv -p python3 env/
# Creates the environment and installs our dependicies.
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop
# Do some code! :)