This is a simple app (no authentication, single route) which allows visitors to read and write Posts from a database. It is a tech demo to showcase SvelteKit working with WunderGraph, no bells and whistles!
The web app (SvelteKit) fetches from an API (WunderGraph), which stores data in a database.
The data schema is very simple - just Users and Posts.
This is a pnpm monorepo, you should install pnpm first (npm install -g pnpm
pnpm install
- installs dependencies for all workspaces in the repopnpm db prisma migrate dev
- seeds a local sqlite database with the correct schema and sample data.pnpm dev
- run's the dev script inwundergraph
Once the devserver is running you can access it at http://localhost:3000
To keep the demo lean WunderGraph uses a sqlite database, but it is easy to change the db provider via the Prisma config (database/schema.prisma
) to postgresql, mysql, sqlserver, mongodb, or cockroachdb. Be sure to also update wundergraph/wundergraph.config.ts
to use the appropriate introspect function.
Reactivity within SvelteKit is handled via writable 'stores', which notify components whenever the store value changes (which usually triggers the component to re-render).
This demo contains a custom WunderGraph store (
) which simplifies use of the WunderGraph SDK within your Svelte components. It provides the following hooks:
- useQuery
- useSubscription
- useMutation
Example usage:
// will fetch results once
const { status, refetch, result } = useQuery("ReadPosts");
// svelte reactive declaration
$: posts =;
// refetching results
const buttonClickHandler = () => refetch();
// will open a connection to wundergraph and continuosly receive results every 1 second
useSubscription("ReadPosts", (result) => {
if ( {
posts =;
const { mutate } = useMutation("CreatePost");
const submitHandler = () => mutate({ input: newPost });
- Implement Optimistic UI updates when mutating Posts (don't wait for the next liveQuery to update store, requires use of a global cache-key and cache invalidation)
- Implement UpdatePost (edit a Post), handling scenario where it has been deleted on server while editing
- Add simple Service Worker to demo working offline
This work was heavily inspired by koleok's realtime-chat repo.