This repo is under construction and could change drastically in the coming months with breaking changes.
MTD is the second of two open-source tools that allow language communities and developers to quickly and inexpensively make their dictionary data digitally accessible. MTD-UI is a tool that visualizes dictionary data that is prepared with MTD. This is the web version.
Please visit the website or docs for more information.
This is a basic Angular app for displaying Mother Tongues Dictionaries data. Other frontends are in development. For the mobile version, go here
Note - Just because you can make an online dictionary does not mean you should. Before making a dictionary, you must have clear consent from the language community in order to publish a dictionary. For some background on why this is important, please read sections 1 and 2.1 here
In order to use MTD-UI you must have a generated language configuration file and generated dictionary data from MTD.
PRs accepted. If you would like to create more MTD-UIs those are also accepted.
MTD-UI has had significant help from a huge number of people including but not limited to Patrick Littell, Mark Turin, & Lisa Matthewson.
As well as institutional support from the First Peoples' Cultural Council and SSHRC Insight Grant 435-2016-1694, ‘Enhancing Lexical Resources for BC First Nations Languages’.
This version of MTD Web UI was built using the incredible Angular NgRx starter by Tomas Trajan. If you're an Angular developer, go check it out!