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Version 0.5.1

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@KitsuneRal KitsuneRal released this 05 Apr 01:52
· 13 commits to 0.4.x since this release

(Update: this version has a bug in CMakeLists.txt that prevents it from being used by the upcoming Quaternion; version fixes that)
This is a minor release in 0.5.x branch, fixing a few issues and adding small features:

  • Fix (#303): linkification doesn't break on peculiar links.
  • Fix (#310 and 27c2989): quirks in rendering room display names have been ironed out.
  • Fix: Tighter validations of URLs coming with file events (too relaxed validations were causing the library to assert-crash on, e.g., encrypted attachments).
  • Enhancement (#305): rooms created as direct chats are now automatically marked as for invited as well as inviting users.
  • Enhancement (#306): Room::canSwitchVersions() returns false on rooms already upgraded (you still can disregard and call Room::switchVersion() but you better think twice - see
  • Enhancement: Room::postFile() now first starts file upload and then places a pending event (neatly packed with file transfer information), rather than the other way around. Unless you do weird things with the library's API, you shouldn't notice.
  • Enhancement: LRO/RLO Unicode markers are now stripped from display names, to curtail abuse of those.
  • Feature: Connection::domain() to save client authors from taking the domain from user MXID.