Vocapp strives to help its users learn languages in a dynamic and fun way. Vocapp does this first by enabling its users to interact with images, games, and other people to help make language learning fun.
- Product Owner: Arnulfo Manriquez
- Scrum Master: Quinn McCourt
- Development Team Members: Arnulfo Manriquez, Patrick Ryan, Stephen Queyrouze, Quinn McCourt
To Run the server repo, run node app.js within the repo folder to start the server. To run the front end nativescript, this must be run with either an android or iOS emulator && tns run android --bundle and tns run ios --bundle
- nvm 0.33.11
- nativescript 5.3.4
- postgresql 10
- webpack 4.27.1
- Typescript v3.4.1.
From within the root directory: npm install