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fiskus committed Oct 1, 2024
1 parent 06bbd84 commit f747fe5
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 311 deletions.
311 changes: 0 additions & 311 deletions catalog/app/containers/Admin/Buckets/Tabulator.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import * as FF from 'final-form'
import * as React from 'react'
import * as RF from 'react-final-form'
import * as M from '@material-ui/core'

Check warning on line 5 in catalog/app/containers/Admin/Buckets/Tabulator.tsx

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch/informational


Added lines #L1 - L5 were not covered by tests
// import { fade } from '@material-ui/core/styles'

import tabulatorTableSchema from 'schemas/tabulatorTable.yml.json'

Check warning on line 7 in catalog/app/containers/Admin/Buckets/Tabulator.tsx

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch/informational


Added line #L7 was not covered by tests

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,316 +87,6 @@ const validateTable: FF.FieldValidator<string> = (inputStr?: string) => {
return undefined

Check warning on line 87 in catalog/app/containers/Admin/Buckets/Tabulator.tsx

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch/informational


Added line #L87 was not covered by tests

// const useTabulatorTableStyles = M.makeStyles((t) => ({
// delete: {
// color: t.palette.error.main,
// marginBottom: 'auto',
// },
// editor: {
// minHeight: t.spacing(15),
// '& .ace_editor': {
// minHeight: t.spacing(15),
// },
// },
// header: {
// alignItems: 'center',
// display: 'flex',
// marginBottom: t.spacing(1),
// },
// name: {
// marginBottom: t.spacing(2),
// },
// root: {
// alignItems: 'stretch',
// display: 'flex',
// },
// main: {
// flexGrow: 1,
// },
// actions: {
// display: 'flex',
// flexDirection: 'column',
// flexShrink: 0,
// marginLeft: t.spacing(2),
// },
// button: {
// '& + &': {
// marginTop: t.spacing(2),
// },
// },
// lock: {
// alignItems: 'center',
// animation: '$showLock .3s ease-out',
// background: fade(t.palette.background.paper, 0.7),
// bottom: 0,
// display: 'flex',
// justifyContent: 'center',
// left: 0,
// position: 'absolute',
// right: 0,
// top: 0,
// zIndex: 10,
// },
// '@keyframes showLock': {
// '0%': {
// transform: 'scale(1.2x)',
// },
// '100%': {
// transform: 'scale(1)',
// },
// },
// }))

// type FormValues = Pick<Model.GQLTypes.TabulatorTable, 'name' | 'config'>

// interface TabulatorTableProps {
// bucketName: string
// className: string
// }

// interface AddNew extends TabulatorTableProps {
// onClose: () => void
// tabulatorTable?: never // We create new table, so we don't have one
// }
// interface EditExisting extends TabulatorTableProps {
// onClose?: never // Don't close editing table
// tabulatorTable: FormValues
// }

// function TabulatorTable({
// bucketName,
// className,
// onClose,
// tabulatorTable,
// }: AddNew | EditExisting) {
// const renameTabulatorTable = GQL.useMutation(RENAME_TABULATOR_TABLE_MUTATION)
// const setTabulatorTable = GQL.useMutation(SET_TABULATOR_TABLE_MUTATION)
// const classes = useTabulatorTableStyles()
// const { push: notify } = Notifications.use()
// const renameTable = React.useCallback(
// async (
// tableName: string,
// newTableName: string,
// ): Promise<FF.SubmissionErrors | boolean | undefined> => {
// try {
// const {
// admin: { bucketRenameTabulatorTable: r },
// } = await renameTabulatorTable({ bucketName, tableName, newTableName })
// switch (r.__typename) {
// case 'BucketConfig':
// notify(`Successfully updated ${tableName} table`)
// return undefined
// case 'InvalidInput':
// return mapInputErrors(r.errors)
// case 'OperationError':
// return mkFormError(r.message)
// default:
// return assertNever(r)
// }
// } catch (e) {
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.error('Error updating tabulator table')
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.error(e)
// return mkFormError('unexpected')
// }
// },
// [bucketName, notify, renameTabulatorTable],
// )
// const setTable = React.useCallback(
// async (
// tableName: string,
// config: string | null = null,
// ): Promise<FF.SubmissionErrors | boolean | undefined> => {
// try {
// const {
// admin: { bucketSetTabulatorTable: r },
// } = await setTabulatorTable({ bucketName, tableName, config })
// switch (r.__typename) {
// case 'BucketConfig':
// notify(`Successfully updated ${tableName} table`)
// return undefined
// case 'InvalidInput':
// return mapInputErrors(r.errors)
// case 'OperationError':
// return mkFormError(r.message)
// default:
// return assertNever(r)
// }
// } catch (e) {
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.error('Error updating tabulator table')
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.error(e)
// return mkFormError('unexpected')
// }
// },
// [bucketName, notify, setTabulatorTable],
// )
// const onSubmit = React.useCallback(
// async (values: FormValues, form: FF.FormApi<FormValues, FormValues>) => {
// // Rename
// // if theres is a table to rename
// // and the name was changed
// if (tabulatorTable && !== {
// const renameResult = await renameTable(,
// if (renameResult) {
// return renameResult
// }
// }
// // Create table if no one,
// // or update the config if it was changed
// // NOTE: table name could be new, just updated above
// if (!tabulatorTable || values.config !== tabulatorTable.config) {
// const result = await setTable(, values.config)
// if (result) {
// return result
// }
// }
// form.reset(values)
// if (onClose) {
// onClose()
// }
// },
// [onClose, renameTable, setTable, tabulatorTable],
// )
// const [deleting, setDeleting] = React.useState<
// FF.SubmissionErrors | boolean | undefined
// >()
// const deleteExistingTable = React.useCallback(async () => {
// if (!tabulatorTable) {
// // Should have called onClose instead
// throw new Error('No tables to delete')
// }
// setDeleting(true)
// const errors = await setTable(
// setDeleting(errors)
// }, [setTable, tabulatorTable])
// const confirm = useConfirm({
// title: tabulatorTable
// ? `You are about to delete "${}" table`
// : 'You have unsaved changes. Delete anyway?',
// submitTitle: 'Delete',
// onSubmit: React.useCallback(
// (confirmed) => {
// if (!confirmed) return
// if (tabulatorTable) deleteExistingTable()
// if (onClose) onClose()
// },
// [tabulatorTable, deleteExistingTable, onClose],
// ),
// })
// const { onChange: onFormSpy } = OnDirty.use()
// return (
// <RF.Form onSubmit={onSubmit} initialValues={tabulatorTable}>
// {({
// form,
// pristine,
// handleSubmit,
// submitting,
// submitFailed,
// hasValidationErrors,
// error,
// submitError,
// }) => (
// <form className={cx(classes.root, className)} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
// <OnDirty.Spy onChange={onFormSpy} />
// {confirm.render(<></>)}
// <div className={classes.main}>
// <RF.Field
// className={}
// component={Form.Field}
// errors={{
// required: 'Enter a table name',
// }}
// fullWidth
// label="Table name"
// name="name"
// validate={validators.required as FF.FieldValidator<any>}
// variant="outlined"
// size="small"
// disabled={submitting || deleting}
// />
// <RF.Field
// className={classes.editor}
// component={YamlEditorField}
// errors={{
// required: 'Enter config content',
// invalid: 'YAML is invalid',
// }}
// name="config"
// validate={validators.composeAnd(
// validators.required as FF.FieldValidator<any>,
// validateYaml,
// validateTable,
// )}
// disabled={submitting || deleting}
// autoFocus={!tabulatorTable}
// />
// {(submitFailed || typeof deleting === 'object') && (
// <Form.FormError
// error={
// error ||
// submitError ||
// (typeof deleting === 'object' && deleting[FF.FORM_ERROR])
// }
// errors={{ unexpected: 'Something went wrong' }}
// />
// )}
// {(submitting || deleting) && (
// <div className={classes.lock}>
// <M.CircularProgress size={24} />
// </div>
// )}
// </div>
// <div className={classes.actions}>
// <M.Button
// onClick={onClose && pristine ? onClose :}
// type="button"
// className={cx(classes.delete, classes.button)}
// disabled={submitting || deleting === true}
// variant="outlined"
// >
// Delete
// </M.Button>
// <M.Button
// onClick={() => form.reset()}
// className={classes.button}
// color="primary"
// disabled={pristine || submitting || deleting === true}
// variant="outlined"
// >
// Reset
// </M.Button>
// <M.Button
// className={classes.button}
// onClick={form.submit}
// color="primary"
// disabled={
// pristine ||
// submitting ||
// deleting === true ||
// (submitFailed && hasValidationErrors)
// }
// variant="contained"
// >
// Save
// </M.Button>
// </div>
// </form>
// )}
// </RF.Form>
// )
// }

const useEmptyStyles = M.makeStyles((t) => ({

Check warning on line 90 in catalog/app/containers/Admin/Buckets/Tabulator.tsx

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch/informational


Added line #L90 was not covered by tests
root: {
display: 'flex',
Expand Down

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