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Use CDK to create Quilt packages from AWS HealthOmics


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Use CDK to create Quilt packages from AWS HealthOmics



Use CDK to create and deploy the stack. Note that it requires a large Cloud9 instance to run Docker.

cp example.env .env # and edit
source .env
aws configure list-profiles # verify AWS credentials exist
# npx npm install # if npm not present (but npx is)
npm install yarn -g # if yarn not present (but npm is)
yarn install
# set bootstrap region (if new or changed)
# start Docker if not already running
sudo systemctl start docker # e.g. on Linux (requires large Cloud9 instance!)
npm run deploy

You will also need to accept the Subscription from your email client.

Note: macOS fails on docker-credential-helper

If running on macOS, you will get an error for docker-credentials-helper. You will need to install and alias that and the docker-credential-desktop helper.

brew install docker-credential-helper
cd /opt/homebrew/bin
ln -s docker-credential-osxkeychain docker-credential-helper
ln -s docker-credential-osxkeychain docker-credential-desktop

Quilt Integration

Use your Quilt Catalog to browse the inputs and outputs

  1. Go to AWS Console and find the Omics-Quilt stack
    1. Copy names of the INPUT and OUTPUT buckets
    2. Copy the SNS Topic ARN, with type "AWS::SNS::Topic", e.g. arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:omics-quilt-status-topic
  2. Go your Quilt Catalog
  3. Click "+" on the front page (or Admin Settings -> Buckets)
  4. Click "+" in the upper right corner to add a new bucket
    1. Name: Physical Name from Stack
    2. Title: Omics Quilt Input / Output
    3. SNS Topic ARN (under Indexing and Notifications)

Run the Workflow

  1. Find or create your region's input parameters file: ./workflows/fastq/<region>.json
  2. Go to Console and find the input bucket
  3. Create Folders fastq and, inside that, <region>
  4. Upload the JSON file to s3://<input-bucket>/fastq/<region>/<region>.json

If it already exists, set the timestamp to a future time to trigger a new run.

TODO: Setup a Quilt package push that does this for you

View the Results

  1. Go to the 'packager' Lambda and view the logs
  2. Grab the 'quilt+uri' from the output
  3. Paste into the URI field of the Quilt Catalog (next to the search bar)
    1. NOTE: May need to click the package name to stop page reloading
  4. Click "Expand" (and tripledot menu) to interact with result DataGrids


Uses pre-commit to pre-lint files.

pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

Uses projen to manage project files.

yarn install
npm run projen
npm run eslint
npm run build
npm run test:watch


Use CDK to create Quilt packages from AWS HealthOmics







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