Type-safe, composable, seamless data flow Finite-state machine implementation in TypeScript.
npm i fancy-state-machine
yarn add fancy-state-machine
A traffic light consist of 3 colors red, green and yellow normally will have the following flow.
%% ./examples/charts/traffic-light.mermaid
flowchart LR
node0-- "next-light" --> node1
node1-- "next-light" --> node2
node2-- "next-light" --> node0
This flow can be model using fancy-state-machine
as follows:
// ./examples/traffic-light.ts#L1-L14
import { FSMBuilder } from 'fancy-state-machine';
const trafficLightFsmBuilder = FSMBuilder.create()
// fromState event targetState
.addTransition('red-light', 'next-light', 'green-light')
.addTransition('green-light', 'next-light', 'yellow-light')
.addTransition('yellow-light', 'next-light', 'red-light');
is called with generic paremters because it is only used for decorating the type of the FSM. The events are not stored directly, but only in the transitions.- The
is type-safe. Meaning you can only pass in the defined events and states.
This builder can be used to build FSM and run like this:
// ./examples/traffic-light-usage.ts#L3-L13
async function main() {
const fsm = trafficLightFsmBuilder.build('green-light'); // pass in initial state
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['green-light']
await fsm.dispatch('next-light');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['yellow-light']
await fsm.dispatch('next-light');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['red-light']
await fsm.dispatch('next-light');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['green-light']
- The
function accept a predefined event. It is also type-safe. - The
function isasync
, allowing more complex usage later on. - The
is a tuple. This is because it can hold additional data. It will be explained in the later example.
The coin-operated turnstile will have the following flow:
%% ./examples/charts/simple-turnstile.mermaid
flowchart LR
node0-- "coin" --> node1
node1-- "push" --> node0
Here the self-loop is omitted, for the shake of code illustration 😃. It can be model with fancy-state-machine
as follows:
// ./examples/simple-turnstile.ts
import { FSMBuilder } from 'fancy-state-machine';
export const simpleTurnstileFsmBuilder = FSMBuilder.create()
coin: [];
push: [];
.addTransition('locked', 'coin', 'unlocked')
.addTransition('unlocked', 'push', 'locked');
- Here
can be used to define multiple events at the same time. BothaddEvent
object but casted to the newly decorated type, so calling these function multiple time might have overhead.addEvents
can be use to reduce these calls into one, whileaddEvent
can be used for readability. Since this is up to the compiler, which one to use is only the stylistic choice. addEvents
accepts a mapping in its generic parameters, and the values are also tuples! This part declare which data can be pass along with an event. Since the event in our model does not have any additional data, we can leave them blank.
We can start using the builder just like the traffic light example, but if we dispatch an event that causes an undefined transition, we will have an error:
// ./examples/simple-turnstile-usage.ts#L3-L6
async function failed() {
const fsm = simpleTurnstileFsmBuilder.build('locked');
await fsm.dispatch('push'); // this throw error
Don't worry though, fancy-state-machine
allow this to be ignore. When there is an undefined transition, the state remains the same. This effectively close the loop for us in the model.
// ./examples/simple-turnstile-usage.ts#L8-L21
async function pass() {
const fsm = simpleTurnstileFsmBuilder.build('locked').setOptions({ ignoreInvalidTransition: true });
await fsm.dispatch('push');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['locked']
await fsm.dispatch('coin');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['unlocked']
await fsm.dispatch('coin');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['unlocked']
await fsm.dispatch('push');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['locked']
await fsm.dispatch('push');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['locked']
If you find the set option part is lengthy, fsm.clone()
can be used to clone the fsm
from the existing FSM.
Imagine are wring a CLI app that asks for user name and address. We can have the simple model as follows:
%% ./examples/charts/simple-cli-app.mermaid
flowchart LR
node0-- "redirect" --> node1
node1-- "input" --> node2
node2-- "input" --> node3
So when the app started, it is redirected to ask the user name. After that it will ask the user's address, and when these information are gathered, the will display it back to the user.
The input
event, in most of the implementation, will come with the user input, meaning this event will come with data. fancy-state-machine
allows to model the event come with additional data and can be passed in the state!
// ./examples/simple-cli-app.ts
import { FSMBuilder } from 'fancy-state-machine';
export const simpleCliFsmBuilder = FSMBuilder.create()
.addEvent<'input', [line: string]>()
.addState('pending-user-name', () => {
console.log('What is your name?');
.addState('pending-user-address', async (userName: string) => {
console.log(`Nice to meet you, ${userName}! Where do you live?`);
.addState('display-user-info', (userName: string, address: string) => {
console.log(`I see. I will visit your home at ${address}. See ya, ${userName}!`);
.addTransition('start', 'redirect', 'pending-user-name')
.addTransition('pending-user-name', 'input', 'pending-user-address')
.addTransition('pending-user-address', 'input', 'display-user-info');
- The event
come with an inputline: string
. - Each state can be defined with an additional handler. This is called
, and will be called each time the state is visited. - The
can beasync
. Whendispatch
is called, theenterHandler
will also be called and awaited before returning to the caller. - The
accepts some arguments. These are arguments are thestate data
. - The
state data
must be either passed infsm
when initialized, or pass along the transition.
How exactly the data is passed along the transition in this example? Formally, suppose we have a transition from state A
to state B
with the event E
. As you can see, all of the state data
and the event data
are tuples. So the state data
of B
must be the concatenation of the state data
of A
and event data
of E
. That is:
StateData[B] = [...StateData[A], ...EventData[E]]
If you take a look at the previous example, the data forwarding rule is also satisfied, as all the state data
and event data
are empty tuples.
Note that addTransition
is also type-safe and follows this rule. If a transition is created that does not follow the mentioned data forwarding rule, addTransition
will return never
Now our events
also has data along side with its, we can also pass it to the dispatch
// ./examples/simple-cli-app-usage.ts#L3-L17
async function main() {
const fsm = simpleCliFsmBuilder.build('start');
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['start']
await fsm.dispatch('redirect');
// What is your name?
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['pending-user-name']
await fsm.dispatch('input', 'John');
// Nice to meet you John! Where do you live?
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['pending-user-address', 'John']
await fsm.dispatch('input', 'the moon');
// I see. I will visit your home at the moon. See ya, John!
console.log(fsm.stateData); // ['display-user-info', 'John', 'the moon']
- The
event data
is pass after theevent
name. This can be archived thanks to rest-parameters! - Also note that this function is also type-safe: the
event data
must have the corresponding type to its event name. - In the same vein, the
state data
is also stored in the same manner: using tuple. When visiting a state, theenterHandler
will be called with thisstate data
(minus the state name of course).
Let's take a look at a more realistic example. The following is a simple login flow.
%% ./examples/charts/login-flow.mermaid
flowchart TD
node0["home page"]
node1{"verifying password?"}
node2["error page"]
node3["dashboard page"]
node0-- "enter login" --> node1
node1-- "login fail" --> node2
node1-- "login success" --> node3
node2-- "retry" --> node0
node3-- "logout" --> node0
This login flow is actually popular when talking about FSM in UI design. But I still find this example is very abstract. Let's take a closer look at this flow by analyzing the event data:
- The home page should not contains any user data.
- The enter login event should be dispatched along side with the user login to the verifying password state.
- The login fail event should be dispatched along side with the reason.
- The login success event should be dispatched along side with the login tokens to the dashboard page.
- The logout event should free the login tokens, so that when the user returned to the home page, there is no data.
This flow does not follow the data forwarding rule at all! In this case, fancy-state-machine
allow explicit custom transition handler for the transition data transformation. The login flow can be modeled as follows:
// ./examples/login-flow.ts
import { FSMBuilder } from 'fancy-state-machine';
const loginFlowFsm = FSMBuilder.create()
.addEvent<'enter login', [{ userName: string; password: string }]>()
.addEvent<'login fail', [reason: string]>()
.addEvent<'login success', [userToken: string]>()
.addState('home page')
.addState('verifying password?', (userData: { userName: string; password: string }) => {})
.addState('error page', (reason: string) => {})
.addState('dashboard page', (userToken: string) => {})
.addTransition('home page', 'enter login', 'verifying password?')
.addTransition('verifying password?', 'login fail', 'error page', (_userData, reason) => {
// drop userData and return the reason only
return [reason];
.addTransition('verifying password?', 'login success', 'dashboard page', (_userData, userToken) => {
// drop userData and return the token only
return [userToken];
.addTransition('error page', 'retry', 'home page', () => {
// drop everything, return to blank state
return [];
.addTransition('dashboard page', 'logout', 'home page', () => {
// drop everything, return to blank state
return [];
export { loginFlowFsm };
- Transition that does not follow the data forwarding rule MUST contains the an additional function called the
transition handler
. When transitioning from the stateA
to stateB
when the eventE
is dispatched, thetransition handler
is used to transform the concatenation of[...StateData[A], ...EventData[E]]
. - Transition that follows the data forwarding rule can still has the
transition handler
, but its return type must matchStateData[B]
. - The default
transition handler
of the transition handler following the data forwarding rule is the echo function:(...params) => params
. - The current way to define the
state data
type is to define theenter handler
. To be honest I can't find a better way to do this without specifying the function. To do this, one can call.addState<'state', [...]>('state')
, but the'state'
will be repeated twice.
Here is the usage of the FSM:
// ./examples/login-flow-usage.ts
import { loginFlowFsm } from './login-flow';
import assert from 'assert';
async function login() {
const fsm = loginFlowFsm.build('home page');
async function tryLogin() {
assert(fsm.stateData[0] === 'verifying password?');
// get the state right from fsm.
const accessTokenOrError = await verifyLogin(fsm.stateData[1].userName, fsm.stateData[1].password);
if (accessTokenOrError instanceof Error) {
await fsm.dispatch('login fail', accessTokenOrError.message);
await fsm.dispatch('retry');
} else {
await fsm.dispatch('login success', accessTokenOrError);
// now user will use the app for a while
// then logout
await fsm.dispatch('logout');
// wrong login
await fsm.dispatch('enter login', { userName: 'user1', password: 'bruh' });
await tryLogin();
await fsm.dispatch('enter login', { userName: 'whoami', password: 'idontknow' });
await tryLogin();
// correct login
await fsm.dispatch('enter login', { userName: 'demo_account', password: '1234pass5678' });
await tryLogin();
const Users = new Map([
['user1', 'Password123'],
['testuser', '9876abcd'],
['sample_user', 'passWORD456'],
['newuser123', 'mySecret789'],
['demo_account', '1234pass5678'],
['access_granted', 'secureAccess99'],
['alpha_beta', 'BetaAlpha#1'],
['user42', 'Pass123word!'],
['temp_user', 'samplePass789'],
['guest123', 'Welcome567!'],
async function verifyLogin(userName: string, password: string) {
const userData = Users.get(userName);
if (userData !== password) return new Error(`wrong username or password`);
return '<ACCESS_TOKEN>';
Let's take a look at the login flow example. Currently the verification logic is separated from the state. This is fine, but sometimes we want to have more flexibility, by embedding the logic alongside the state. fancy-state-machine
allowing this. The enter handler
, additionally can return the event data
that it want to be fired right after.
The login can be re-model like this:
// ./examples/login-flow-2.ts
import { FSMBuilder } from 'fancy-state-machine';
const loginFlowFsm = FSMBuilder.create()
.addEvent<'enter login', [{ userName: string; password: string }]>()
.addEvent<'login fail', [reason: string]>()
.addEvent<'login success', [userToken: string]>()
.addState('home page')
.addState('verifying password?', async ({ userName, password }: { userName: string; password: string }) => {
const Users = new Map([
['user1', 'Password123'],
['testuser', '9876abcd'],
['sample_user', 'passWORD456'],
['newuser123', 'mySecret789'],
['demo_account', '1234pass5678'],
['access_granted', 'secureAccess99'],
['alpha_beta', 'BetaAlpha#1'],
['user42', 'Pass123word!'],
['temp_user', 'samplePass789'],
['guest123', 'Welcome567!'],
const userData = Users.get(userName);
if (userData !== password) return ['login fail', 'wrong username or password'];
return ['login success', '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'];
.addState('error page', (reason: string) => {})
.addState('dashboard page', (userToken: string) => {})
.addTransition('home page', 'enter login', 'verifying password?')
.addTransition('verifying password?', 'login fail', 'error page', (_userData, reason) => {
// drop userData and return the reason only
return [reason];
.addTransition('verifying password?', 'login success', 'dashboard page', (_userData, userToken) => {
// drop userData and return the token only
return [userToken];
.addTransition('error page', 'retry', 'home page', () => {
// drop everything, return to blank state
return [];
.addTransition('dashboard page', 'logout', 'home page', () => {
// drop everything, return to blank state
return [];
export { loginFlowFsm };
Notice now the verification logic is embed right in the verifying password?
state. Its enter handler
return the event (eventName
and event data
) that it wants to be fired afterward.
When dispatch
is called, if the new visited state's enter handler
returned the new events, dispatch
will continue transition, until it has visited the state with enter handler
that returns nothing. So now, when calling await fsm.dispatch('enter login', { ... })
, the resulting state will be either error page
or dashboard page
also has capability to compose smaller FSM
into a larger one via .embed
and .scope
method. Let's take a look at the following example: password
The user is allowed to enter a 4-digit password, each digit is from 1 to 4. The checking flow will be as follows:
%% ./examples/charts/password.mermaid
flowchart LR
subgraph subgraph0 ["first-digit"]
subgraph subgraph1 ["second-digit"]
subgraph subgraph2 ["third-digit"]
subgraph subgraph3 ["forth-digit"]
node0-- "digit" --> node3
node1-- "redirect" --> node4
node2-- "redirect" --> node18
node3-- "wrong" --> node2
node3-- "correct" --> node1
node4-- "digit" --> node7
node5-- "redirect" --> node8
node6-- "redirect" --> node18
node7-- "wrong" --> node6
node7-- "correct" --> node5
node8-- "digit" --> node11
node9-- "redirect" --> node12
node10-- "redirect" --> node18
node11-- "wrong" --> node10
node11-- "correct" --> node9
node12-- "digit" --> node15
node13-- "redirect" --> node17
node14-- "redirect" --> node18
node15-- "wrong" --> node14
node15-- "correct" --> node13
node16-- "redirect" --> node0
node18-- "digit" --> node18
Here I'm using digit
event instead, since we already have event with data attached. Here each digit is a single FSM to check if the inputting digit is the correct one, and it short-circuits to fail
in case of incorrect. We can see that all 4 sub-FSM have the same structure, so we can see that we should be able to compose them somehow.
comes to rescue with the following model:
// ./examples/password.ts
import { FSMBuilder } from 'fancy-state-machine';
type Digit = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
function createSingleDigitPassword(pass: Digit) {
return FSMBuilder.create()
.addEvent<'digit', [d: Digit]>()
.addState('unlocked', () => ['redirect'])
.addState('fail', () => ['redirect'])
.addState('verifying?', (d: Digit) => {
return d === pass ? ['correct'] : ['wrong'];
.addTransition('start', 'digit', 'verifying?')
.addTransition('verifying?', 'wrong', 'fail', () => [])
.addTransition('verifying?', 'correct', 'unlocked', () => []);
export const passwordFSMBuilder = FSMBuilder.create()
.addState('start', () => ['redirect'])
.addTransition('start', 'redirect', 'first-digit.start')
.addTransition('first-digit.unlocked', 'redirect', 'second-digit.start')
.addTransition('second-digit.unlocked', 'redirect', 'third-digit.start')
.addTransition('third-digit.unlocked', 'redirect', 'forth-digit.start')
.addTransition('forth-digit.unlocked', 'redirect', 'unlocked!')
.addTransition('first-digit.fail', 'redirect', 'fail!')
.addTransition('second-digit.fail', 'redirect', 'fail!')
.addTransition('third-digit.fail', 'redirect', 'fail!')
.addTransition('forth-digit.fail', 'redirect', 'fail!')
.addTransition('fail!', 'digit', 'fail!', () => []);
Here is a model to check if the password 4, 2, 1, 3
is inputted.
Let's take a look at createSingleDigitPassword
- This function creates the sub-FSM to check the single digit.
- The
state checks if the inputted digitd
is the same as the parameters, and fire the corresponding events. - The out states
fire the eventredirect
immediately. This will be used to plug the states in the large FSM.
Now for the large FSM:
- There are 4 statements
, that will embed 4 sub-FSM into this large FSM. - The
function will transform the state of the sub-FSM to have the prefix ofs
. So when calling.scope('first-digit.')
, we have the following transformation:start
- With all 4 sub-FSM embedded with renamed states, we can redirect the states:
- All the
states will be redirect to the finalfail!
state. - The
states of the previous digit will be redirected to the nextstart
state of the next digit.
- All the
This gives us a very powerful tool to compose FSM that can only be found in textbook, and it is now realized in TypeScript! But beware that the number of states will be exponentially increased when more layer of FSM are composed with each other.
Every FSMBuilder
method is multable, except clone
that does what it says. So be careful not to share FSMBuilder
, including alternate it after a FSM
instance was built.
instance has a better dispatch
method called fullDispatch
, which accepts more parameters.
It has the following signature:
FSM#fullDispatch(events, options?)
- Events is the event name with
event data
tuple, that is,fsm.dispatch('event', data1, data2, ...)
is equivalent tofsm.fullDispatch(['event', data1, data2])
. options
is an object, allowing to specify additional functionality:ignoreInvalidTransition?: boolean
- this property is the same one as theFSM#options
. Setting this to true to ignore the invalid transition. The default is of courseFSM#options#ignoreInvalidTransition
.onTransition?: (fromState, event, targetState) => void
- callback to listen when a transition happens. The state is the state name withstate data
tuple, andevent
is the event name withevent data
tuple.onInvalidTransition?: (fromState, event) => void
- callback to listen when an invalid transition happens. The state is the state name withstate data
tuple, andevent
is the event name withevent data
Come back to the simple CLI app example. The start
state has one transition, which is when redirect
was fired. Normally start
is also the initial start that we set. But what happens when start
start's enter handler
return redirect
immediately? This means when fsm
is initialized, we are at start
, not where start
is redirected.
I intend to not make that immediate transition.
- The initialization is a
process, whiledispatch
. - Standing right at the initialized state still make more sense and the behavior is more consistent. Think of the initialized state as not entered, and we simply just stand there.
However, immediately transition might be the desired behavior. In this case, FSM#drain
can be called right after initialization (and in an async
context) to get the immediate events.
accepts an additional optional param called options
, which is the same options
as FSM#fullDispatch
, since it will be passed in FSM#fullDispatch
All the above flow/state chart are rendered into mermaid
using the renderToMermaid
utility. It has the following signature:
renderToMermaid(fsm, options?)
is eitherFSMBuilder
is an optional object with the following property:-
direction?: 'LR' | 'TD' | 'BT' | 'RL
- specify the chart direction. Default isTD
. -
subgraphNameSeparator?: string
- use to group states into subgraph. If unspecified, the state name stays the same. If specified, it is used as separate to split state name into parts, and state with similar parts will be grouped. For example, ifsubgraphNameSeparator
and there are 4 states:foo.x.a
will be grouped in a subgraph calledfoo
. Further more,foo.x.a
will be grouped into a smaller subgraph infoo
.An example is the
chart above, with sub-FSM grouped into subgraph, and this property is intended to be used withFSMBuilder#scope
Besides modeling perspective and state data management perspective, there is one more perspective that this library can be used, which is state data storage and transfer.
This library does not forbid which type can be used for state data
and event data
, but if state data
is POJO, it can be easily serialized into JSON
and stored elsewhere, effectively storing the program state. For event data
, if it is POJO, it can be serialized and send over network, making this the command pattern
Check out the test for some more interesting example 😎.