Asset management through indoor positioning via bluetooth.
- Solution: HomeAssistant
- Locator: ESP32 for gathering bluetooth signal
- Beacon: nRF52832 for emitting bluetooth signal and representing assets
- mqtt sensor battery sensor for asset tag (mqtt_room) sensor representing the location of the asset
- mqtt binary sensor for locator installed at fixed places
- lovelace page (entities-list)
code Tips: http GET "Authorization: Bearer Token" docker run -d --name=home-assistant -v /root/homeassistant:/config -p 8123:8123 homeassistant/home-assistant:stable ufw allow proto tcp from to port 1883
ESP32 development board (brough from taobao)
Development with (nRF5 Series: Developing with SEGGER Embedded Studio)
Specific Board nrf52832_tb with one button, one LED (brought from taobao, 30RMB) but available with jlink interface
board file nrf52832_tb
example project with this board ble_app_eddystone -
Major and Minor field are used for asset managmement
code a mobiled beacon scan